"Yes, he claims he is your best friend. Does the name Alex, surprise you?" One of the men said. Mateo's face puzzled and he gasped.

"My goodness!" He shook his head. He went over to the knocked out man and picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. There was quite the crowd. And to be honest, they were as confused as I was. "Bella come!" Mateo called me to followed him.

We went to a medical centre and waited in the waiting room, until the man named, Alex, woke up.

"Why did you punch him, Mateo?" I looked down at our hands, that were intertwined with each other.

"He budged into us and laughed about it. If I had known it was him, I wouldn't have done it." He replied.

"No matter who it was, you shouldn't have done it anyways. What if that went viral?" I said.

"Well my men would take everyone's phone, here at Disney World, and make sure it came off the web." He shrugged. I shook my head in disbelief. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.
"Don't worry, bella." He said.

After a few minutes of waiting, a nurse comes over to us. Maybe exposing a little too much of her chest area. She smiled directly at Mateo, but he purposely kissed my hand and said," let's go bella," which made her smile go to a frown.

"Uh.. Sir, I didn't say you could go in there yet!" She shouts from down the hall, but he ignored.

We went in to see the Alex guy, awake.

"Sorry bud for knocking you out. Didn't know it was you." Mateo said.

"Yeah it's cool, but god damn! Who's she?" Alex 'scanned' me.

"My girlfriend, so stop scanning her otherwise you'll be out cold this time" Mateo threatened. I wasn't sure if he was serious or being sarcastic with his friend, Alex. For some reason I don't like this Alex dude, something tells me he's up to no good.

"Calm man, just curiosity struck. Anyways, what you doing D world man?" Alex said.

"Niece's Birthday, so we spending the weekend. Why are you here?" Mateo sat down on the chair, next to the bed.

"Spying on my sister and her boyfriend. Trust me when I say the guy is a douche. I want to catch him out so I can prove to my family he's not good enough to marry her." He said.

"Well good luck." Matt looked at his watch. "We'll see you around. Bella and I have to go. I just wanted check if you were ok and stuff, so see you sometime." Mateo stood up shook Alex's hand, before he grabbed my hand and left.


We went back to the hotel and I saw, a ton of strawberries with white and milk chocolate over them, cookies and cream fudge balls, on the bed.

"Oh my gosh!" I felt like screaming with excitement, but held it in.

"Bella, dig in. I'm going to make a quick phone call and then we'll eat and chat together." He said and I nodded. He pulled me in for a kiss, before he walked out our hotel room.

I did a little dance and then got my phone out. I went on Instagram and posted a picture of the surprise he set up for me. Caption was 'Disney World treats🍓🍫' and within minutes I got over a hundred likes. Like what the hell? I normal get that amount of likes in weeks. But then I just got shouted out by Zillio, and a ton of people started following me. Maybe I should have gone on private, but oh well. I got a DM from Kate, saying where was I? How comes in not answering the phone? And saying she'll call the cops to see if I'm ok. All of that stuff, but I replied saying I'm ok. She then put a lot of angry emojis, at the fact it's been a whole month and people are worrying about me. I gave her my phone number and she called me right away.

"Bitch! Where the fuck are you?! You haven't spoken to me in over a month. I called the cops and they lied and said You were on holiday. Are you kidnapped? Where are you?!" He jumped at me, before I could even speak.

"Calm down. I'm fine actually and I'm in Disney World.-" she cut me off before I could finish.

"Disney World?!! You know how much I wanted to go. Are lists of things we wanted to do was, go Disney World together. Who did you go with?" She sounded angry and sad. Wow now I feel bad.

"Baby girl -oh sorry bella you're on the phone." Mateo walked in.

"Who's that?" Kate asked.

"My.. Uh boyfriend." I said truthfully.

"Boyfriend?! Since when bitch?!" I knew at this moment she'd be getting all excited.

"I'll talk to you later I've got to go." I say to her.

"But-bu-" I hung up. I added her number to contacts and put my phone away.


Mateo and I ate variety of foods all night. We were talking and getting to know each other more as well. I took a few selfies with him. I posted one on Instagram, of me sitting on him as he fed me a white chocolate strawberry. I tagged him in the picture and let's just say that was CUTE AS FUCK! I got hundreds of comments and thousands of likes in half an hour. I couldn't be bothered to look through the comments, because I was having too much of a good time with Mateo.

Day two in Disney World was amazing, just saying. An hour before we went to bed, we had a pillow fight. Me being exhausted and shit, I decided to gets some sleep. And once again Mateo hummed that sweet tune, which made me visit dream land.

|The end of this chapter folks. Vote and comment. And thanks for reading xx|

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