The Rose

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The Good and Evil were separated by an aisle and the Ever boys were not yet there. Suddenly, as of tradition; the boys; Axel and Heartley included, marched on the aisle and raised their swords up with roses in their other hands. Pollux and Castor stood at the stage "the boys will throw a rose to the girl they fancy. As of tradition." Pollux announced. "JUST GET ON WITH IT ALREADY! WE'RE HUNGRY!!" Castor, Pollux's twin said. Immediately; most of the roses went to Thea Rose and she blushed but mentally scolded herself about boys, waving the thought off. Some girls stared blankly at Thea Rose but some smiled. Immediately, the boys started to talk to her "hi, I'm Chad!" Said a blonde "hello I'm Ralph!" Said a brown haired boy and soon everyone in the group started introducing themselves. Thea tried to be polite but she couldn't keep up. And then suddenly, Heartley grabbed her and ran.

"Thanks for saving me back there ,Heartley." She said with gratefulness. He smiled "no problem Thea Rose of Camelot!" And winked as Thea Rose rolled her eyes. "First day of classes and you've been raided by the boys." Heartley said with a chuckle "by the way, to whom did you give your rose to?" Thea said, with a s mug look. Heartley blushed and didn't answer for a while "that, Thea Rose; is a story for another day." . "But I'm glad you didn't run from me." He continued, with a soft smile on his face and Thea Rose knew that this guy, this guy raised by pure Evil was pure Good after all. "But why would I run from you?" She said with a smirk and Heartley shrugged "I guess we're friends now huh?" Thea Rose nodded and they sat under the tree until they see the other students are starting to go to class in their pink and navy blue uniforms. Thea Rose and Heartley compared schedules and found out that they had two subjects together. History of Heroism and surviving fairytales.

"I'm professor Emma Anemone. I probably thought your parents and now I'm teaching you. First thing's first! You are NOT allowed to eat ANY part of my DELICIOUS classroom!" Professor overly dressed said and in an instant, she saw about five students hiding candy from the teacher and she giggled

After professor Anemone taught them the potions on beautifying, they all had their first ever challenge. It was to make their pores as tight as possible. Thea Rose thought it was quite stupid but professor Anemone kept blabbering about princesses having to have good complexions and apparently some other students thought it was a useful lesson. Thea made her potion and applied it on her face and she immediately felt her pores tightening. She saw her twenty other classmates as they did the same. Professor Anemone went to her and Thea tensed "Thea Rose, child of Agatha and Tedros am I right?" She said with a kind smile. "Yes, professor Anemone."  Thea replied with a smile, too. "You did a very good job on tightening your pores and I see that your mother has been doing what I thought them ever since she left school. She had the most beautiful smile." She said and then a golden "1" exploded over Thea's head. After Beautification, a red headed girl went to her with a huge grin. "Hi, Thea Rose of Camelot? I'm Kirsten. Nice to meet you." Kirsten held her hand out and Thea shook it with a polite smile. "You too." It seems like she had made another friend.

Heartley thought there wasn't a difference in Thea's face. Who cares about pores anyway? Mom, he thought; and chuckled. He went to Axel after class "Axel wait up." He said, trying to catch his breath. "Hey Heartley. I see you and my sister are getting closer, huh?" He said with a cocksure smile. Heartley blushed "uh I guess so." He said, rather awkwardly. "Uh I'll catch up man. See you around. He ran quickly to Thea and see her talking to a girl with wavy red hair. "Oh hello Heartley. This is Kirsten of Rainbow Gale. Queen Giselle and king Oliver's child." Heartley smiled at the girl and the girl smiled back. "Nice to meet you." The girl held out her hand and Heartley shook it. Heartley saw Kirsten blush and he blushed too.

Heartley had been talking to Kirsten that he hadn't noticed that Thea was there. Suddenly he saw a guy with brown hair, chiseled jaw, light blue eyes, and a lean body go to Thea Rose. He stopped talking to Kirsten and looked at Thea and the boy.

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