Creation/Erebus and Ehther

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In the beginning there was a world of nothing. Not just nothing, but so much nothingness that the world itself revolted. There needed to be something. The nothingness came together and formed the first monarch. He had nothing to thank for his creation, only the darkness of the world he was born into. Thus, he dubbed himself Erebus. 

The world faced a new dilemma, there was now only one force in the world, the force of darkness. The world then used what little light there was to create an opposing force for Erebus. This new creature embodied the sky and the heavens, she dubbed herself Ehther.

Ehther and Erebus, as opposing forces, worked against one another. Erebus believed the world belonged to him, Ehther believed the world should be left alone to develop. After a long battle, they reached a stalemate. Erebus was forced to accept that Ehther was his equal; that he couldn't beat her. He allowed the world to grow, watching silently from his domain, Ehther constantly watching him from above.

The Story of the MonarchsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora