I dumped all the glitter on Alex making him turn around pissed ."HAHAHA THE LOOK YOU HAVE ON IS PRICELESS !" I took four pictures of him before running away . I heard him close behind "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU !!!" I sped up "GOOD LUCK WITH THAT !" 

After a couple of seconds I couldn't hear him behind me and hid  behind the canvas Isle . 'that was easy .' that was when I felt the glitter being throne at me from behind and turn to see Alex grinning ear to ear taking pictures of me. 

He then ran in the other direction laughing like a maniac . I run catching up to him only a couple inches away . "YOU ASSHOLE !!" I said laughing a little between words . "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I." He speeds up going into a sprint . 'Shit, he's faster than I remember .' 

I sped up enough to get close enough to tackle him to the ground ."Ha, gotcha bitch !"  I pin him to the ground and begin to tickle him . "hahaha s-stop w-we're even ." he starts squirming under me trying to break free. That's when I realize the position we are in and turn bright red . He takes the oppertunity to flip us over .

"Ha, take that you french vanilla twat !" He starts to tickle me ."YOU CUNT FLUFFER-"                         "BOYS !!!!" We turn our attention to a small old lady glaring at us ."Now this is a store not a play ground !" 

We both help each other up and smile sheepishly at the old lady . "s-sorry ma'm , we will pay for any damage we may have caused ." She eyed us through thick glasses ."Well you two don't look like you'll be anymore trouble so i'll let you off with a warning ."

"Thank you miss."She smiled and turned in the other direction heading for another isle . We both let out a sigh of relief and walked back to the canvas isle . Alex picked up the container of glitter and put it into a basket . 

"Find a canvas that is  3ft x 4ft , I'm gonna go get that container of glitter you left back where the paint brushes are ." I nodded my head yes and began looking for the canvas . 'It must be weird for Alex to be hanging out with his ex-bully.'  I really wish I hadn't bullied him, I only did it because he wouldn't fight back . 

'That boy really has to learn how to look tuffer or else asshats like me and Butch will pick on em.' I remembered how butch tripped him and began to feel angry . At least I told him off after his little incident with Alex . He wont be doing any of that while I'm here .

I finally find the right canvas and began to feel my pocket vibrate . I take my phone out of my pocket and look at the caller ID to see it was Sarah.

S:"Hey listen um...we need to talk"

Z:"well go ahead" 

S: "there is no easy way to say this but ..we need to..break up."

Z:"Why is that"  

S:"you don't sound very sad or angry "

Z: "because I was going to call you later to tell you the same thing so ..Bye"

With that I hung up , put my phone on silent and back in my pocket .  I really did mean to break up with her today but she did it for me . I found Alex and we went to the check out to pay . The same old lady was there looking us over .

There was thick silence  as she scaned our items until she said "so...how long have you two love birds been dating ." Alex and I turned tomato red "N-no we're not dating ." I stutter "we're just friends ." I turn to Alex a little shocked at what he said . Does he really think we are friends ? Of course not he's just saying that .

"Yup ." I smile and nod at her . "Sorry its just ..the way you guys were acting back there I thought ..you know ."  "It's alright ma'm." I grab our stuff that she also bagged for us and started heading to the car .  I look over to see Alex smiling .

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