{30} Idiotic Plans Are My Specialty

Start from the beginning

The red light above the door Jet disappeared under flickered on, and there was a buzzing noise as all the cell doors opened. Before we could register our surprise Jet's voice echoed over a loud speaker, "Ladies and Gentlemen, you cells are now open and you are free to leave.

"Can you hear us?" The Commander called, looking cautiously around the room.

"No, but I can read your lips. You either asked if I could hear you or called me a man with a fine ass."

"We can discuss your ass later," I said while the Commander took a second to nod approvingly at the thought of Jet's ass, "Where are we?" 

"From the looks of it, I'd say we're back in the Momentum building. Not the Pike mansion.

"That gives us more options..." I tapped my chin, "Eira, you need to go find witnesses. Anyone who'll listen... I need to find my sister."

"I can help with that," Jet spoke, "I can see her in a cell down here. I'm in the control room, so she is being held here."  

"I'll try to get the Supers in on our side." The Commander said eventually, "They'll listen to me."

Cause that worked out so well last time. I thought in a brief wave of maliciousness, glancing at Spectre, "What are you gonna do?"

"I'm with you." He grinned at me under his mask, a small private smirk just for me. His hand brushed mine and squeezed before withdrawing. 

So we all agreed to split up, moving throughout the building rather easily, Spectre and I split off first, with Jet coming after us soon after to help with finding Annalise. Stacey headed towards some stairs with the Commander after he briefed us on where Pike's office was so we'd all know where to meet after. 

We'd need whatever we could find there. 

 "This way." Jet took the lead, moving soundlessly through the corridors of the basement like a shadow. Not even looking around suspicious, he walked confidently like he knew where he was going and what he was doing.

"Her cell is this way," He pointed to a door, "I need to go to the Commander, there'll be a better shot at convincing the Supers if it comes from the both of us."

Spectre nodded, "Good idea." Clapping him on the back. 

I nodded, "We'll meet you up there."

We all nodded at each other before splitting up. 

I led Spectre through the door, instantly hearing voices around the corner. We had to duck behind a wall, watching the scene unfold in front of us.

There seemed like a lot of people to handle one struggling prisoner. It was Annalise definitely, judging by the swearing. There were almost seven of them, all with varying stages of bruising, maybe she'd fought back before? Why didn't they drug her like they did with Kyle? 

Peeking around the corner, I angrily bit back whole string of curses as Spectre held me back from charging in. Annalise was kicking and screaming as they dragged her by the hair away towards the elevator. 

"We have to stop them!" I hissed desperately, struggling against Spectre's grip.

"Yes," But right now they don't know where we are, if we give ourselves away we could all be at risk

I whipped my head around, "Oh but my sister is worth risking?" I knew it wasn't fair, so immediately, "I'm sorry, that was bad."

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