chapter 34 Necropolis

Start from the beginning

"I guess we go forward"

"You sure?"

"I'm sure"

We walked forward, and just before we got to the stairs leading to the crypt the graves around us started to glow bright blue. Blue yet slightly transparent ghost type creatures floated upwards.

I made two swords appear, one in each hand.

Ryan held up his shield and looked around.

Surprisingly they didn't attack, they simply stared at us.

I slowly continued to walk and entered the crypt without any problems. After we opened the first door we noticed another ghost guarding a second door.

I slowly walked forward, gripping my sword tightly.

"Do not fear, I will not attack you.."

"Who are you? Why are you guarding this door?"

"I provide warnings for all who enter, yet you are the first. Behind this door each person will be forced to face everything they have done before entering. If you can not overcome it, then you shall be forever trapped."

"Ok... what happens if I do?"

"Then you may enter the crypt, and face it's true guardian."

"Very well.."

"Only there is one condition, to enter the crypt, one must take their own path. You two that come here together must face your own challenges. You shall not be allowed to work together."

"I understand.."

"Enter when you are ready.."

"Wait, Kane I'm not so sure about this."

"Ryan, if you don't want to go, then now is the time to turn back..."

He took a few deep breaths, "no, I'm coming".

"Ok then.."

I pulled open the door and a huge portal sprang open in front of me and pulled me in.

I was transported to a huge open area with dark barren ground and nothing in sight. It was dark as if it was night, yet the area I was in was illuminated as if by a bright full moon, even though I couldn't see one.

Suddenly the ground started to move as bones emerged and morphed into a small dragon type creature. It hissed and opened its mouth firing sparks at me. I blocked them with a shield of ice then used a hammer of fire to crush its skull so that it died.

More continued to come at me but I easily demolished them with my new gauntlets.

Suddenly the ground began to shake violently as this time, a giant dragon was formed. A very familiar looking dragon that seemed to control lighting.

It roared and caused lighting to fire down at me. I dodged before making a giant ice hammer and throwing it so that it hit the dragon right in the jaw causing it to stumble away. I then grabbed the dream blade and lashed it into chain form wrapping the dragons mouth closed with it, and pulling down so that it hit the ground. I then made a huge ice battle axe and repeatedly smashed it into the dragon's head until it died.

I heard heavy footsteps and I suddenly jumped back as a familiar looking abomination passed me.

It roared at me as it began to slash at me with its arm blades. I jumped away and remembered that it had weak spots. I used dream blade in blade form causing them to hit all the weak spots at once, then carve up the abomination from inside it's shell, before flying out while ripping out some of its organs. It fell over with a large thud as it just seemingly vanished.

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