Chapter 52: Name Signs

Start from the beginning

Mom started cooking dinner at our stove. The team set our kitchen table. Pumpkin Pie leaves our place settings on the island. Our kitchen smells so good right now. The meal is in its final minutes on the stoves.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm. everyone dished out their food to eat. The team sat down at the table in their assigned seats. Mike and I sat over by the living room windows. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We split up into our usual boys vs. girls groups. Mommy cleared off the table and wiped down all the counter space. Our sisters unpacked the dishwasher. Jakes washes the dishes to refill the dishwasher. I packed the cooler with some drinks. The guys covered it with ice.

Everyone is put back in its regular places. Our kitchen light is turned off on the way out the back door. Bonfire time began with drinks were passed around the circle. A story starts within a few minutes. The stars shone brightly above our heads as the fire crackled in front of us.

I walked back the shore to our house. Upon my arrival there head straight to our sink to put my bottle in it. Seconds later I went up to our bathroom to change into my jammies and bruised my teeth. Mike followed my cue to head straight for the showers. Within minutes I walked into my twin brother's room. Meanwhile with me sitting on the bed I spot his wallet. I looked through it to find some pictures. Roger is now brushing his teeth at a sink. Later on he walks out to join on his bed.

Just so you know that's a federal offense that I caught you in right now. "Are you thinking of arresting me?" I asked. No I have the best punishment, he replied. My twin begins to tickle me on the bed. This is added to taking my turn on the chore wheel."You miss our munchkins Mimi don't you?" He asked. "Of course I does Roger have seen them in years," I replied. They are okay with my parents and your best friends.

Don't need you to quote the handbook to me. You're aware that I have one of those somewhere too. Roger and I walked into our phone room to call his parents. Both of us waited until someone answered the phone.


Roger: Hey mom

Mom: Hey kids

Roger: how are you?

Mom: I am doing well. What about you guys?

Both: work keeps us busy

Mom: that's good

Roger: Where are our kids?

Mom: around the house somewhere. Jon, get your niece and nephew please.

Jon: okay coming

Kids: mom and dad

Both: yes

Kids: When are you coming home?

Both: don't know

Kids: okay

Both: put your uncle on the phone.

Jon: download Skype on your phone

Both: will do... Talk to you later.

Everyone: bye

End of call

You enjoyed that phone call Mimi. Of course I did thank you Roger, I stated. Your welcome Mimi, he replied. Let's go to our chaise. Our family came in dragging the cooler behind them. They put their empty bottles in the sink. Nat threw her juice box in the bin. Within minutes all of them head upstairs to get ready for bed.

Both of us are still talking about our kids and New York. Pumpkin Pie came into the family room. She stopped in her tracks when she heard talking about our past. I thought you mentioned that you broke up. We did for a while then started dating again. My parents are taking care of them.

The remaining of our roommates joined us. "Your parents are taking care of whom?"They asked. Our kids, we replied to them. Mike showed them pictures of Miranda and Conner Warren. We are Aunts and Uncle then Are they coming here? I really don't know guys.

Our family sat down on our couch to watch t v. They seemed excited and ready to spoil them. Both of us thought of how Roo would do with them as an Uncle. Since we are a surfing family gets them some boards and wet suits. As for our dog BD would gain two more people to play with.

Roger is busy stroking my hair. I cuddled closer to him. During a long boring commercial break the team got up to stretch. Everyone mentioned their good nights to each other. Mike gave me the forehead kiss. The team like always kissed my cheeks.

Within minutes I went upstairs to our bedroom the last time for that day. The team stayed downstairs to watch t v. Mike heads to the other side of the room to be with his girlfriend. She liked that so much that she started to nuzzle his neck. Minutes after that our t v set and family room light is turned off. The team head upstairs to their separate rooms. Everyone else soon joins me in dreamland that night.

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