"You swore yourself to my service at the start of this quest.  Has that changed?"


"Then I am ordering you to go and look for the Arkenstone."

Now her hands clenched.

"Just because I swore my services to you does not mean that you can order me around Thorin."  She said darkly.  "Just as your friends do not appreciate being ordered."

"I am the king, I may do as I please."

"That's not how being a king works."

He observes her, his blue eyes dark.  "Please, enlighten me on what a king can and cannot do."

She didn't miss the hint in his voice and she had to draw in a deep breath to stop herself from yelling.

"For starters, a king does not simply forgo those who were loyal to them."  Andromeda said quietly, despite the shake in her hands.  "He also does not treat his friends as servants, if you hadn't already worked that out."

Thorin leans forward in his throne and for a moment she thought he would stand and approach.  "You speak as if you know better than me."

Her anger peaked.  "Well, when your being such an ass, I can definitely say I do know better, and before you ask, I would make a better ruler than you any day."

Anger clouded Thorin's gaze, but he does not move.  "You speak of treason."

"Treason?"  Her voice started to raise.  "If speaking my mind to a man who I once called friend, possibly more, then sure.  It's treason."

Thorin rose from his throne, tall and demanding.  "You will take that back lest your head be on it!"  He yelled.

"Then so be it!"  She yelled back.  "If my death will finally break through to you what you are doing, then go ahead!  Cut me down where I stand!"

He drew his sword but Andromeda did not move, her head held high.  "You dare to presume such things of me?"  His voice had returned to its quiet rage, one that quickly got her heart racing as she realised she was possibly in more trouble than she could get out of.  "You, with your tainted blood, you could never be anything to me.  I am a pure blood of Durin's line, I would never-"  He faltered, something in his gaze unreadable.

Andromeda was shaking all over now.  "You want to bring that into it.  Fine."  She snapped.  "Like I could ever deal with a jewel obsessed, power mad, broken king."

Thorin stared at her, still cleary fighting himself.

Andromeda held herself high, for the firs time in her life, her anger bringing forth tear which stung the edge of eyes.  "Do whatever you must Thorin, maybe it will help break through your gold blinded naivety."

She watched his hand tighten on his sword before it moved.  She did not flinch as it came towards her, just staring Thorin down.

The sword clattered loudly down next to her and instead she found Thorin's hands tight on the front of her armour, his face right up in hers.

"Get out."  He growled so menacingly that her eyes widened in shock.  "Get out and do not come back."

He lets her go roughly, causing her to take a step back, but she remained frozen.

Thorin bent to pick up his sword and looked up to see her still there.  "Get out!"  He bellowed.  "Get out before I change my mind and kill you!"

This snapped her out of it.  "Fine."  She spun on her heel.  "I hope you find what you seek, Thorin Oakenshield, and then I hope it comes back and really bites you in the ass!  It would be the least you deserve!"

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