"It's not just revenge. Losing a member of your pack isn't like losing family. It's like losing a limb." Cora explains. "Packs are so much different for us it unbelievable. I have no clue what you're talking about feeling and my whole pack had their hearts ripped out." I state. Of course I felt guilty, but not lose of limb grief.

"They wouldn't even let him see the body." Peter says. "I don't get it. What does this have to do with Derek?" Stiles asks. "Everything. It's never just a single moment. It's a confluence of events. Personally, I looked at Ennis' circumstances, I saw profound loss. Derek saw something different. He saw opportunity." Peter states.

"Opportunity? To do what?" Stiles questions. "To always be with her." Peter answers. "He wanted to turn her." I whisper. "The thing was, he had this constant fear. He was obsessing over it, thinking about it all night, all day, always on his mind. I kept telling him not to do it. Every day the more he thought about it, the more convinced he became. You know teenagers. I bet he even blames me. He's probably convinced himself the whole thing was my idea." Peter says.

He then starts explaining the importance of emissaries. "They keep us connected to humanity." Cora explains. "But they're secret even in a pack. Sometimes only the alpha knows who the emissary is." Peter states. "Derek and I had no idea about Deaton. Or his sister Morell." Cora says.

"She's an emissary too?" Stiles questions. "For the alpha pack." Peter states. "Our guidance counselor? Why the hell don't you people tell me any of the stuff huh? I shared some really intimate details with her." Stiles rants. "Did she give you good advice?" Cora asks. "Actually, yeah." Stiles answers.

"That's what they do. That's what Deaton used to do for Talia." Peter says. Derek had gotten Ennis to agree to bite her. "Ennis? Why would you choose him?" Stiles asks. "Why not? Ennis needed a new member got his pack. Paige was young and strong. Doing a favor for Derek meant that Ennis would be good with Talia. Back then everybody wanted to be in good with her." Peter explains.

"Does he remember it was Ennis?" I question. "If he does, he keeps it to himself." Peter replies. "So then what happened? Did he turn her?" Stiles asks. "Almost. As he heard Paige's screams, he'd regretted what he'd done. He came at Ennis. A 15 year old boy against a giant. There was no reason for him to fight. She'd already been bitten." Peter says.

"So did she turn?" Cora asks. "She should have. Most of the time, the bite takes. Most of the time." Peter says. "When you offered it to me you said if it doesn't kill you-" Stiles starts. "If. He asked what was happening to her. He knew the answer though. It didn't matter that she was young and strong. Some people just aren't made for this." Peter explains.

"She rejected the bite." I say more as confirmation to myself. "But she fought. She struggled desperately, trying to survive." Peter states. "What did he do?" I question. "He put her out of her misery. I remember taking her body from his arms, to the woods, a place where I knew that it would be found. Another in a long line of Beacon Hills animal attacks." Peter says.

"What about Derek?" Stiles questions. "Taking an innocent life takes something from you as well, a bit of your soul, darkening it. Dimming the once bright golden yellow, to a cold steel blue. Like mine." Peter says flashing his eyes.

After our little story time with Peter, Stiles seems a bit off. I don't say anything about it though. I don't entirely trust Peter as a source. "What's that look on your face?" Cora questions. "What look?" Stiles asks. "The kind of look that makes me want to punch you." Cora answers. "Oh my God. You are so Derek's sister. I forgot." Stiles states.

"Well, what is with the look?" Cora asks. "I just don't believe him. Alright, in Ms. Blake's class, we're reading Heart of Darkness, and it's in first person right? Narrated by Marlow. The thing is that he's an unreliable narrator. You know the details have been changed, you know, just because it's his perspective." Stiles explains.

"We heard this from Peter's perspective." I state. "Right and I don't think we got the whole story." Stiles says. "Are you just gonna ask Derek about the girl he fell in love with and then killed?" Cora questions. "If I have to yeah." Stiles answers. "I would advise against it. He already doesn't like you." Cora states.

After hearing that story, Stiles and I go back to his house. We settle into a comfortable silence. "If I were like them, my eyes would be blue." I state. "What are you getting at?" Stiles asks. "Why don't our eyes change? Was my soul still affected by it? Does it just not show on the outside?" I question. "Why are you worrying about this?" Stiles asks draping his around me.

"When I lost my pack, I only felt guilt. I never grieved them. Hell I never even felt the pack connection everyone always talks about. Is there something wrong with me? Can I not connect?" I question. "Maybe it just wasn't meant to be with the hybrid pack. Maybe you need a pack that you can connect with on an emotional level, not just because you're the same species." Stiles suggests.

"You're right. I don't know why I keep worrying about everything. It's probably not the best attribute to have in a girlfriend." I sigh. "You worry because you care. End of story. I don't mind you ranting to me, I just love hearing your voice." Stiles admits. "You are so cheesy." I state.

"I was going for romantic." Stiles says. "You have your moments. This was not one of them." I state. "Alright how about you try being the romantic one." Stiles suggests. "Maybe I will." I reply. "I'm waiting." Stiles says.

"You don't think I'm gonna do it right now do you? No I'm gonna do it when you least expect it. I will have spontaneity on my side. I'm gonna romance the crap out of you Stilinski just wait." I brag. "Oh I'll be ready." Stiles assures me.

A/N: Surprise double update because I can. Sorry this chapter was so short. The actual episode was full of flashbacks that would be too confusing to include. I am actually planning to have a chapter dedicated to whatever plan Lia comes up with, it's gonna be hella fluffy, just wait.

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