"Kastro." Hisoka stated, making Aki nearly choke at the mention of... that person. She pounded her fist on her chest and immediately drank the water offered to her by Hisoka. She coughed and wiped her mouth at the back of her hand.

Hisoka smirked in amusement. Aki merely glared at the red head.

"Ha ha. Why are you having a match with him again?" Aki asked, laughing dryly. Hisoka shrugged his shoulders. Aki shook her head at that, starting to eat her second box of sweets. Then, an idea came to her.

"Oyaji!" The red head was slightly surprised when Aki had suddenly turned to him with wide sparkling eyes—a face that reminded Hisoka of Gon. It made Hisoka wonder if maybe Gon and Killua were influencing Aki too much.

Oh, who was anyone kidding, those two boys had already crawled under Aki's skin and latched on. Hisoka knew that the time will come when Aki decides to leave his side, choosing to hang out more with kids her age.

"Let's spar!" Aki exclaimed excitedly, still munching on her sweets. Hisoka chuckled in amusement.

"Why the excitement?" Hisoka questioned.

"I want to test my Nen." Aki replied in between chews. Hisoka nearly raised a brow. It was barely a month since Aki learned Nen—and from what Hisoka knew, she had only ever practiced Ten, a defensive technique.

Aki was nowhere near ready to fight with just Nen, so far as Hisoka was concerned. However, one look at Aki's sparkling eyes, Hisoka couldn't help but give in.

"Alright~ Finish your food first." Hisoka said, patting Aki's back. The dark-haired girl nodded enthusiastically and started golfing down the cakes.

Oh well, it was her funeral. Hisoka was sure to make it extravagant, nonetheless.



The fight ended up like this:

I barfed all the cakes that I downed.

Maybe I should have thought it through when I invited Oyaji for a fight. Like usual, he didn't even bother holding back. The result? I got a taste of what Gon experienced with the Tops guy.

Hit after hit, Hisoka was relentless in his attacks. I couldn't do anything else but block with my inept Ten. Hell, I didn't know it was hard to keep up the thin layer of Nen surrounding my body.

I swore to Hisoka that I wasn't going to use any chakra in this fight. Well, wrong move. For the last five minutes since the fight started, I couldn't even manage to switch to the offensive. I was stuck defending against Hisoka's continuous blows.

Suddenly, something tugged on my torso, pulling me towards Hisoka swiftly. Hisoka's fist struck me on the jaw and my head snapped back. That hurt... a lot. I managed to dodge his next punch. But again, I felt a thug on my body, and I lost my balance. This time, the crazy clown hit me square on the face again.

I raised my arms in defense to the barrage of attacks against his fists. I lowered my body, swinging my leg underneath Hisoka's and caught him off guard. That gave me a second, long enough to finally land a hit on Hisoka.

The clown merely smirked, and immediately defended on my next attack. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. This is so one sided. How is he even doing that tugging thing?

I got my answer when I remembered how I can use my chakra to mold thin strings then attach it to things. It gave me an idea. Usually, chakra strings can be visible if you concentrate. But since this is Nen we're talking about, it's safe to say that it wouldn't be as easy to look for it—with the micropyles and all.

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