Tattered Black Wings.

Start from the beginning

The cloud we were sitting on moved and floated towards a large cluster ahead of us. Storm clouds. The fluffy white cloud I had settled on now turned grey and flashes of lightning started to dart towards the earth. Avenging angels were coming. Avenging angels were the few angels that chose to be…like patrol officers; they guard the line between Heaven and earth and make sure us angels are not trying to get down to earth. They don’t punish people, or really hurt you – they are like a jury in a way as well. The angels come if you have done something wrong and decide whether to send you away to be dealt with or not.

In the middle of the cluster, were two of the angels, with flaming swords in hand and naked torsos. They looked very annoyed. One of the angels walked up to us, his chest huffed out making him look tougher. My nana held onto my arm and squeezed it tighter with every step the angel took; she was deathly afraid of them as she didn't want to be cast away.

“You there, are you Ivy Rose Jackson?” the angel asked, addressing me. I could hear a lot of coldness in his voice and the presence he gave off was horribly depressing. I guess it was the job he did that reflected his vibe.

“Yes I am.” I answered. He conjured onjured a big, official looking envolope out of thin air. “Have I done something wrong?”

“It has come to our attention you feel you did not die at the right time, correct?”

I looked at my nana, confused but she gave me the same look. “I…I…”

“Hurry up, I have other people to deal with.”

“I guess so, yes.”

“Then the Avenging angel’s are going to propose a bargain with you.” the angel announce and his other companion came to his side and gave me a look so menacing it would have turned medusa to stone. Together they looked so fierce and terrifying.

“A bargain?”

“We will send you back down to earth to live a life like your previous one.” My mouth fell agape slightly. I was going down to earth? Me? “But, in exchange for your death to be retracted, you have to do a job for us.”

“And what would that be?” my nana interjected in a shaky voice.

“That is not really any of your business.” The second angel spat at my nanna. “On the 25th of December this year, a little boy will be murdered. Murdered in the early morning and an angel must guard him and make sure he survives. This does not happen often. All deaths are set to happen but with this boy it’s a different case. If you can keep him safe from that gang, then we’ll grant you a full life.”

I did not understand. Why were they offering me this? I’m sure a lot of angels up here think they did not die at the right time, but the avenging Angels don’t go around offering them life again…do they?

“Ivy, it’s your chance to live properly,” exclaimed my nana.

“I’m not sure I can agree with your bargain Angels,” I told them. Even though I wanted to do so many more things, it was better up here. As an angel, you have are safe from disease, hunger and war but down on earth, you get a front row seat to see it all go on. Did I want to go back to a world like that?

The first angel shot me daggers and said, “We will not offer you another chance like this again.”

I looked at my grandmother, and silently pleaded with my eyes for her to tell me what to do. I can’t leave her behind but I wasn’t sure I could accept this either.

“Ivy go.” She told me.

“But nana-”

She smiled at me and hugged me as tight as she could. “I’ve lived, you haven’t. Go and be happy, that’s an order.”

I couldn’t argue with her, it was impossible to. This was my only chance, I shouldn’t let it pass me by or I may regret it. "Are you sure?" I asked. If I went, I'd be leaving her here with people she did not know.


I took a few moments to breath deeply and clung to her tightly, "I love you nana." I cried into her gown.

"We will meet again, just hopefully not soon."

“We don’t have all day you know,” said second angel impatiently.

I pulled away and looked her in the eye for the last time. “I accept your bargain.”

As soon as those words passed my lips, the cluster of clouds split in half like an earthquake and my nana began float away on the half I wasn’t on. She blew me a kiss and mouthed ‘good luck’ as she floated up until she was out of site. The two avenging angels and I were left on the other half of the cloud.

The angels gestured for me to stand up and I did so. “With the power of the Avenging Angels, we revoke your angel like presence, cast you down to earth and revoke your death in exchange for you to protect Donavon Reed from an early death. Do you swear you will abide by this to best of your ability?” They both stated simultaneously. The lightening was growing louder and louder.

“I swear.” I told them.

They both raised their swords and touched them to my wings, sending a wave of flames along them. I screamed in shock at what they had just done. My wings…my beautiful wings…

Suddenly, the cloud could not hold me anymore and I plummeted down to earth and landed straight into the River Thames. I swam to the surface and searched for the quickest way to land; I was never a strong swimmer. There was no need to as an oncoming boat was floating on the water. I waved my hands and frantically, trying to catch the attention of one of its passengers.

A woman saw me and her eyes grew wide with shock. “Sir! Sir! There is a person over board!” she yelled to a man in a uniform. In a matter of seconds, the man threw out an orange inflatable ring to me and was pulling me to the boat. After he hauled me on deck, I coughed and spluttered water. Being in the cold English weather and in the freezing river Thames, made me shiver and my teeth clattered like dry bones. The uniformed and called out for a fellow worker and they all flocked around me.

“Bring the boat to shore, we should get her to hospital, now!” the man ordered some of the workers went to find the captain. They started asking me urgent questions but I could not answer them. All I cared for was my wings; I'm sure they couldn't see them or there'd be a lot more questions. My once burning wings were now extinguished and in the place of the white feathers I loved, were charcoal black ones.

Rain pelted down on me and I realised that this for real. My wings would go, I could not longer jump from cloud to cloud and watch others live anymore. I had a life. I was alive again.


 Soooo Ivy is a gaurdian angel and if she keeps little Donavon alive, she'll live again :D ...... or will she?

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