The doctor was once again alone in the dark. He fell on his side and breathed heavily as he tried to ignore the pain. He winced as he shifted his position. His last thought before blacking out, was an urgency to contact the team and warn June. He feared her life could be in danger.


The next day.

Bumblebee waited across the street from the school. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently as he waited for the bell to ring. June and Arcee were keeping an eye on the patients, while Bulkhead and Smokescreen worked with Agent Fowler to locate the Nemesis.

Bee had volunteered to get the kids, plus he needed to escape, especially after what happened last night. He sighed heavily and rested his head on the wheel. The scout was still slightly upset about what happened last night with Arcee. He felt like such an idiot. Maybe the best thing for now was to just give her some space. He sighed softly and looked back at the school. The bell ran and he smiled as he pushed the sadness away.

Raf walked out of the school and started walking down the stairs. A kid came up behind him and knocked him down.

"Not today." He thought angrily as he jumped out of the car and crossed the street.

The kid had Rafs glasses and was teasing him again. He was laughing as the boy tried to reach them. The bully looked over and saw Bee approaching, his smile completely vanished. The scout stood behind Raf, folded his arms and glared at the bully. The boy stared at him eyes wide and shakily handed the glasses back before running back into the school. Bumblebees face broke out into a smile and he ruffled the boys hair. He smiled up at his guardian and hugged him.

A few minutes later Jack came out of the school and greeted the others. They sat on the wall and waited for Miko. Raf joked with Bee and playfully punched him in the arm. While Jack quietly smiled and watched. All the other students had pretty much left when Miko came out. She greeted the scout cheerfully and they fist bumped.

They talked excitedly to each other and the young man smiled. He felt like he belonged with the kids and he a wave of sadness washed over him for a brief moment. His face fell but only slightly. Bumblebee picked up Raf and put him on his shoulders. He spun around, then he and Miko playfully danced to the curb. Bee didn't care if he looked like a fool, he just wanted to enjoy life, and not feel bad anymore.

"Excuse me." Bumblebee turned around and saw a teacher walking towards them. He did not look happy. The scout set Raf down and cocked his head curiously.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you can't go around scaring the students." The teacher said glaring at him.

"Uh...he didn't mean to Mr John." Jack said.

"Ya those boys were bullying Raf, he doesn't stand for that." Miko responded. The teacher glared at the two kids.

"I'm sure he can speak for himself." He said angrily at the kids.

"Actually...he can't." Raf said seriously. Bumblebee felt slightly annoyed, but forced a smile as the teacher looked at him.

"Oh....well...I... Uh.." He said awkwardly.

"Hey Bee, can I start the car?" Raf asked as he tugged on his sleeve. Bumblebee smiled and rubbed the boys head. He handed him the keys and the three kids raced to the car. The scout looked back at the teacher and folded his arms.

"Well...stop scaring the kids. I don't want to see you around here causing trouble." The teacher mumbled and he walked back into the school.

Bee shrugged and turned around, he smiled at the kids who were waiting patiently in the car. They smiled back and waved at him. The scout stepped off the curb and walked to the car. When he was half way across the road, he heard tires screeching as a black car came around the corner.

He didn't have time to move as the car struck him. The scout hit the windshield, rolled over the top of the car, and landed hard on the road. The black car screeched to a halt as he rolled on the asphalt. Bee grit his teeth as he lay on his back. Four men got out of the car and walked towards him. The scout shakily got up as the Desepticons advanced.

Miko screamed when she saw the car hit their friend, and Raf yelled his name. Jack prevented either of them from trying to get out of the car. They watched him get up as the men walked over. One man pulled out an electric metal stick and tried to hit the scout with it. Bumblebee fought the other three men and managed to knock one out before they jabbed him with the stick. He refused to go down and kicked the man.

"Ones coming this way!" Raf yelled as one man approached the vehicle.

Bumblebee saw him and threw one man over his shoulder into the other with the metal stick. He picked up a rock and flung it at the man walking towards the kids. The man yelled and fell to the ground. The other three punched the scout and knocked him to the ground. They laid him on his stomach and held him down. Bumblebee looked at the kids and silently yelled at them to go. Raf shook his head unbelieving, and one man walked towards them.

"We have to go." Jack said as Bumblebee silently yelled at them to leave again.

"Can you drive this thing!?" Miko yelled. Jack jumped into the drivers seat and put it into gear.

"Let's hope so." He mumbled as he hit the gas. The car sped off and the man yelled at them angrily.

"NO! WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM!!" Raf yelled as he looked behind them.

"Bee knows what he's doing." Jack said as he drove to the base.

"Please, we have to go back!" The little boy pleaded as tears started to fall.

"We can't." Jack said staring ahead. Raf glared at him, buried his head in his hands and cried quietly.


Bumblebee smiled weakly as he watched them drive away. He slowly stopped fighting. As long as the kids were safe he didn't care what the cons did to him. The scout groaned as they yanked him up and slammed his back against the car. Bee punched one con in the nose with all his strength, and smiled as the con fell back. Another one growled angrily and jabbed him in the side with the metal stick. He grit his teeth as the electricity coursed through him, and he blacked out.

The Incident (TFP Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now