"I had a lot of fun. We should do it again some time," he said with a smile.

"Sure Ron," I said nodding not wanting to be hard on him. How did you get someone not to like you? Actually, I've done it before plenty of times considering I didn't have any friends until this year. I didn't want to hurt Hermione either, but I also didn't want to hurt Ron. This was a difficult situation that I didn't have the answer too. "Maybe Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and Luna can come next time too," I added as nicely as I could. 

"Alright well I'll see you later then," Ron said hugging me goodbye. I hugged him back not wanting to be rude. 

Hermione, Ginny, and I were studying in the library that night. Tomorrow was the day Hermione would be taking her O.W.L.s. Harry and Ron were too tired to study anymore, but Hermione couldn't seem to get enough time in. Slamming the book shut Hermione groaned. "This is hopeless," she sighed. "We haven't practice a single spell since Umbridge took over as Headmistress. Maybe the exam will be on paper." 

"You'll be fine Hermione," I said to her. "If anyone can do it, well, it will be you." For once I was praying the dark trend continued where we would need a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next year. Considering the fact that Umbridge has taken over Hogwarts, I had a bad feeling that wouldn't be happening again. 

"Just think of it this way, most students haven't done a single defensive spell since last year," Ginny added. That was true, only the students in Dumbledore's Army had been practicing spells. Hermione didn't seem to feel any better.

"I'm sure the examiners are also well-informed at Umbridge's bizarre new rules," I added in a whisper.

We all continued studying and working on our homework when who but Draco Malfoy walked by. He dropped a book into the return pile. I swear he appeared at the most random times of my day. He made eye contact with me but it wasn't friendly. "Riley, why are you studying? You don't take O.W.L.s tomorrow. Granger's the one taking them," he said looking over at me. Hermione and Ginny looked up at him, bothered by his presence.

"Yes but I've been crammed with work since Umbridge ordered the teachers to give us more work," I added annoyed.

"Too bad for you," he said with a wide smirk.

"Wouldn't that mean you have more work too?" I pointed out. 

"Of course not. I have Inquisitorial Squad business to attend too," he replied coolly. Only Draco would manage to get out of work. I shook my head and looked back down at my book. "Don't miss curfew or I'll dock points from you all." He turned and walked away. Once he left the room both Ginny and Hermione turned to look at me.

"How do you know Malfoy?" Ginny asked me. "Like on a conversation basis?"

"We're not friends or anything," I pointed out in case they assumed that. In no way was Draco Malfoy a friend of mine. We did talk every time we saw each other, but it was never friendly topics. Sure, he did give me the potion but it was probably to  clear his, extremely small, conscience. "He was my potions partner for the first half of the year. He likes to annoy me that's all." Hermione and Ginny both nodded and turned back to their books. Malfoy and I sure did talk a lot though.

When the morning rolled around I was actually happy that I wouldn't be having any classes since O.W.L.s were going on downstairs in the Great Hall. Today I would be catching up on the diary now that I had time. I was sitting up in my hidden spot, overlooking the lake, and reading carefully. Now I was on my mother's fifth year. All she wrote during the summer going into her fifth year was about how much she hated her parents and wanted to leave them. It was so sad. I couldn't imagine half of these words coming out of her mouth. When she got back to Hogwarts, she wrote about how everyone feared her and how much she loved it. She felt so powerful. 

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