"Lydia Diana Martin, you are not telling me everything now spill!"  Allison demanded being serious and a force to reckon with.

Lydia gave in and spilled, "he kind of invited me to the dance.  Don't get excited it's not as like a date or anything, because he is dating Malia."  Lydia turned around in the cushioned chair to face Allison.  Allison was smiling giddily with her arms hugging her knees on the floor and was eagerly waiting for Lydia to continue.  "I think he liked talking to me, he listened, and asked questions.  It was different Allison, indescribable even.  I know it sounds crazy and all, but I have been waiting for him to acknowledge my presence since like the third grade.  So what do you expect me to say that it wasn't nice, because it was."  Lydia and Allison sat in silence for a while until Lydia said, "my turn now!  You like Scott and he likes you."

"I do like Scott.  Unlike you Lydia I do not hide my feelings.  So what if I like him!"  Allison proudly admitted, before taking a sip from her soda.

"So what Allison,"  Lydia scoffed.  "Isn't it obvious, you should ask him to the dance on Friday!"  Lydia suggested.

"Lydia, in case you haven't forgotten Scott is the co-captain of the lacrosse team.  Which means that he probably already has a date to the dance.  Besides I really want to avoid being entangled in Scott and Kira's off-and-on again relationship," Allison explained while tying her hair in a ponytail.

"Forget about Kira!  Allison if you saw the way he looks at you then you would know that he would cancel on any girl just to have one dance with you," Lydia exclaimed, trying to encourage her friend to take a chance unlike how she was.  It's much easier to say something than to do, in Lydia's case doing was not necessarily one of her expertise.

"Okay I will ask him, but only if you come to the dance and take the quiz I found in this magazine," Allison announced her bargain into her hairbrush before tossing a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

Lydia gave a soft nod of approval even though she only had the slightly inclination and interest in going to the dance.  Allison kissed Lydia on the cheek in excitement at her agreeing, then she began to ask the questions, "the quiz I have chosen for you is KISS, MARRY, KILL," Allison announced enthusiastically.

"Are you kidding, Al? That's not even a quiz," Lydia argued taking a handful of pretzels out of the pretzel bag.

"Well, Lydia I know you may be considered the genius in this amazing dynamic duo, but I beg to differ..."

Lydia pursed her lips and crossed her arms after moving off of the chair at Allison's vanity mirror to a bean bag chair, "and why is that?"

"Because KISS, MARRY, KILL is quizzing you on who you would rather pick and who you value more than the other options. It's also a cleaner version than usual, and is also educational and user friendly," Allison explained smiling like she was promoting an AS SEEN ON TV product. Lydia frowned and surrendered waving the metaphorical white flag into the air, allowing Allison to ask away.

"So round one is Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Chris Pratt. Who will you choose when all of the Chris' are thrown into round one?" Allison asked mysteriously into her hairbrush.

"I would definitely kiss Chris Evans! That's a sure thing! But I am not sure if I should kill Pratt or Hemsworth..." Lydia thought the difficult decision over in her head. "You know what I guess I will kill Hemsworth and marry Pratt."

"You would seriously kill Chris Hemsworth? He is like a god! Well he technically is one since he is Thor and all. But seriously?" Allison was confused by Lydia's choice.

"Well Allison unlike you I am not that shallow," Lydia snapped back at her friend playfully.  "I think humor is better thing in a marriage rather than just abs."

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