"Everyone here?" He spoke loudly over the chattering and when everyone else replied "Yes." silence remained.

"Today we will be outside-" This stirred a few groans from the boys as it was currently drizzling with rain. "-we were going to play football but now you can run." The teacher said, as if to punish us for the moans he got.

"C'mon lets get moving!" He ordered and the other boys stood up and began to follow the teacher.

It was only a small class of about 15 boys. I was last to file out of the room and the teacher was waiting at the door.

"Mr Styles?" He asked me.

"Yes Sir." I replied as I knew he was asking for my name rather than asking me to do something.

"Welcome to King's Way. I don't accept any messing around in this class and if you do, don't be surprised when you're doing press ups for an hour in detention."

"Yes Sir." I repeated but this time slightly sharp. It's not like I have anyone to mess around with.

"Go catch the others up." He told me and I nodded. I began half jogging, half running down the corridor and caught sight of two boys. I carried on going and I was soon walking with the rest of the class, just not with anyone.

We walked out of the doors me and Louis had entered through and the chilly March air collided with my bare arms, legs and face. My hair rippled in the breeze and I crossed my arms over my chest to keep warm.

"Get in a line across the yellow line." The teacher barked and I looked down to the floor. There were many lines painted on the floor to mark the courts of different sports. The yellow one was a couple of steps in front of me and marked around the perimeter of all of the courts. I stepped onto the line and so did all of the other boys.

Nobody stood on my left side but the ginger guy stood on the right of me and the rest of the class carried on after him. We didn't speak.

"Reynolds follow the line, everyone else follow Reynolds." A boy at the other end of the line turned around and started to run along the yellow line. When there was enough space in between each of us we began to run after him.

By the time we had finished the lap, the ginger kid was really panting. I saw him bend down and take his inhaler out of his sock. He inhaled a few puffs and started to control his breaths.

I stood and straightened my body with my hands on my hips taking deep breaths. I looked down the line and a few boys were bending over and had their hands on their knees. Others were pacing in small circles and panting. Others were already over the exhaustion and were just standing there.

The teacher walked back over and I hadn't realised that he had gone anywhere.

"Get a grip the lot of you! Over to the runner!" He shouted and the other boys started walking straight away.

What's the runner? I followed the other boys and the ginger kid walked with me. Why? We stood still and all I could see was a tarmac path going down in the middle of two tall buildings which ended in a dead end.

"Right you know what to do, there and back. Styles you just follow them, it's not hard." I turned around to nod to the teacher.

"Go!" He blew the whistle and the boys started to run down the path. I was on the very end and my arm was nearly scraping along the wall of one of the buildings.

The ginger guy was still running with me. The other boys started to spread out so I had to fall back a bit and I started to edge more to the left so that I didn't get squashed into the wall.

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