"I love it." Lauren breathed out, ending Y/N's rambling.

Y/N blinked, waiting to see if Lauren would repeat what she thinks she did say. She really hope she didn't just hear things. But when Lauren laughed softly, walked up to her and pulled her in for a hug, she knew she heard correctly. With a sigh of relief, Y/N relaxed into Lauren's embrace and hugged her back.

Then Y/N pulled away, smiling as she took her phone out and pressed shuffle on her playlist. Lauren's smile only widen when she heard the first song of the night play...

Cause you're a sky
Cause you're a sky full of stars

"So original." Lauren muttered, smiling as she grabbed Y/N's hand and led her to the bed. She sat down on the bed, looking up at Y/N,"How did you get this bed up here?"

"I work out." Y/N chuckled, allowing Lauren to pull her down to sit next to her. She turned her head, grinning childishly which made Lauren giggle."Alright," Y/N started, grabbing the blanket next to her and unfolded it."let's get this stargazing started."

Lauren nodded frantically, moving over to lay on the bed with Y/N following.

The pen moving between her fingers, she did her best to think of what to draw on her wrist. She sang along to the song in her head, humming quietly as she ran her thumb over her wrist. She heard the older girl sigh quietly, making her eyes look at her face and notice that her eyes were closed. She looked back at her wrist, the only thing illuminating them is the moon, and Y/N didn't mind that it was pitch black around them, just as along as she could see Lauren she was fine.

She finally chose what to draw on the older girl's wrist. Once she pressed the pen gently on Lauren's skin, she heard the girl sing quietly. But Lauren was singing an entirely different song than the one playing.

"Write on me, color outside the lines, love the way you tat me up..." Y/N felt herself smile, hearing the soft raspy voice only made her smile widen."Baby take your time." Y/n grew confused on why she stopped, so she looked at her just when Lauren said,"say the rest."quietly.

Smilingly, turning back to the older girl's wrist, she quietly continued,"Write on me, give me some wings, I'll fly. Love the way you tat me up..."

She paused to admit;

"You know I had the song on replay the moment the song came out." Y/n admitted, glancing at Lauren to see her smiling widely. She chuckled, concentrating on Lauren's wrist to get the drawing just right."I'll never change my mind...write on me....And done."

Lauren's eyes remained closed, asking quietly,"What did you draw?"

"A penis."

Lauren's eyes shot opened, sitting up as she looked at her wrist. Y/N laughed loudly, then felt herself being shoved back forcing her to lay down on the bed. But she kept laughing, the image of Lauren panicking for a second still in mind as she laughed. Lauren groaned, punching the younger girl's arm before laying back down beside her.

"You're a jerk."

"Tell me pretty lies..." Y/N chuckled out, which earned another shove from Lauren. She playfully groaned, turning to lay on her left side as she propped her left arm up to rest her head on her palm. Lauren laid on her back, glancing up at Y/N questionably. Answering Lauren's unasked question, she said,"I don't remember putting this song on the playlist."

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