Act 8: Antonio Visits An Italian

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"We Vargas have always had-a love of food." Lovino explained, moving the bowl of carbonara over to their small table. "I had wanted to open-a restaurant in Roma once I finished school, but... Feli wanted to act."


"Grab the bruschetta." said Lovino, trying to move on from his last statement.

Antonio took the tray of bruschetta and sat down with Lovino.

"You could still open your restaurant someday, Lovi." said Antonio with a warm smile.

Lovino stared across the table at him when a melodious sound broke the silence.

"What es that?" said Antonio, looking around as if he could find the source of the mysterious music.

"Roderich must be playing his violin again." Lovino listened to the soft notes dance across the night air. "That's odd. He only plays when he has the trailer to himself. Yao must have gone somewhere."    

They sat in the quiet for a moment, just listening to the beautiful music

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They sat in the quiet for a moment, just listening to the beautiful music. In the calm, Antonio looked over at Lovino, and for a second forgot how to breathe. It was the most pleasant, almost happy, expression he had ever seen Lovino make.

"What, bastard?" And just like that it was gone.


"You were staring."

"Oh." Antonio looked away. "Sorry."

"The food's getting cold." said Lovino, serving himself a big plate of pasta.

Antonio followed his lead and helped himself to some bruschetta. Lovino loaded his plate up, but shut his eyes and bowed his head a moment before digging in. Antonio raised an eyebrow, but decided not to comment.

Antonio looked around to keep his eyes off the beautiful Italian in front of him. He laughed to himself at the invisible line drawn by the brothers. He recognized Feliciano's things all concentrated to one side of the trailer and the same for Lovino's on the other side. There was some common ground though, primarily the kitchen.

A few things stuck out to him though. A strange string of beads on both of the brothers' bedside tables, and a fancy little water dish hung up by the door. Antonio put all this together when he noticed the crucifix above the window.

"Lovino? Are you Catholic?"

"I grew up in Rome." said Lovino, not bothering to look up from his pasta. "I could have thrown a rock out my window and knocked out the Pope—of course I'm Catholic."

"But... your brother?" Antonio asked, thinking he had figured out the cause of Lovino's anger toward his brother as well as his general grumpiness toward this very very gay circus, but Lovino growled.

"This again!" Lovino groaned, rolling his eyes. "Yes, Feli is gay. Yes, we are both Catholic. No, that-a is not-a problem!"

"Okay, okay." Antonio tried to back out, scared of the angry Italian. "I just thought you didn't like gays, is all."

"We don't-a hate gays! We are not-a supposed to hate anyone! Just-a because some Catholics are hateful does not-a mean they are supposed to!"

"I'm pretty sure I've heard you swear at every person you have met."

Lovino crossed his arms in a pout. "I never said I was a good Catholic."

Antonio laughed. "I don't know, you seem awesome."

"Shut up, idiota!" Said Lovino, his face red. "Now, you sound like Gilbert."

"Of course." said Antonio, making his best Gilbert pose. "I am awesome! Kes kes kes."

"Alright! That's it-a, you are banned from hanging out with your little friend!"

"How about I hang out with you then?" Antonio teased, but he felt fluttering in his stomach at the thought of being together.

Lovino looked a little stunned, but he turned his nose up proudly. "Fine. But-a no more Gilbert impressions!"

"Hurra!" Antonio cheered, flinging his arms around Lovino, causing him to yelp. "Gracias, Lovi!"

"Let go of me, bastard!" Lovino ordered, his face fully red, but he didn't push him back.

"I will if we can make dinner again sometime."

"F—fine! Just let go!"

Antonio let him go, with a huge smile. He was going to see Lovi again!     

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