Chapter XX | He Got the Girl

Start from the beginning

   About five minutes after the heavenly roast came out of the oven, Ben, Regina, and Zelena appeared at the door.  The Charmings found out about Ben and Regina's blossoming romance through Henry who was more than excited to talk about it.  Snow practically had a heart attack when she heard the news.  She was so happy for Regina and she deserved a man like Ben.

    As the family settled into their seats, Snow stood up from her chair, raising her glass of white wine.  "Thank you everybody for pitching in and coming along.  I know this family is crazy and there is still a danger looming over our heads, but...let's never forget that we are family and we love each other.  I know that we've had questionable pasts but what matters is the future and what you do with it.  And I know since she's come so far along...that Regina didn't poison the apple pie," Snow joked causing the entire family to laugh. 

   Ben raised his brows as he saw Regina and everybody else raise their glasses, then clinking them to person across or next to them.  "You clink glasses together at things like this.  I know it's strange but just clink with mine," Regina said and Ben reluctantly picked up his glass and clinked it with Regina's. 

   Before taking a few slices of the roast, Ben pressed his lips against Regina's cheek, making her blush.  "Ben...stop it!" She scolded. 

   The family ate in harmony as little chats popped up between members here and there.  Regina was in such a serene place.  She had a family that cared about her, a wonderful boyfriend, an amazing son, and relatable friends.  This is all she ever wanted and she felt like something was just out of her grasp.  She felt she could loose all of what she cared for in an instant. 

   The thought of that chilled her to the bone.  Regina turned her sight to look over at her son, a smile plastered on his face.  What if she ever lost him?  She would loose so much and what if she lost Ben?  Knowing how sacrificial Ben was she always feared that one day that moment would come and he would die just to save her.  She could feel the gears turn in her stomach as she munched on a piece of broccoli. 

   Ben seemed to enjoy the meal as he would crack that gorgeous smile every so often, seeing those sexy cracks falling from the corners of his eyes.  She feared she would loose that.  Loosing Ben or Henry would be like loosing hope.  But, this was a dinner party, no tears are to be shed.  So Regina stiffened up and looked over to Ben again, kissing his cheek like he did hers. 

   "Alright, alright there is a child here, Ben, Regina?" Zelena scolded as Henry chuckled at his brunette mom. 


After the food had been cleaned clear off the plates the bloated family gathered on the couch or any chair they could find. They were all spread amount hat the living space as Ben and Regina sat closely together. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her even closer to him.

Hours after chatting nonstop about anything the Charmings put the party to rest. Ben, Regina, Zelena, and Henry all went back home, leaving the loft at its normal volume.


The Mansion: That Night

Henry had finally gone to sleep and Zelena retreated to her bedroom as well. Ben pulled on Regina's hand, taking them to their bedroom. "Ugh! I'm exhausted. All that food was great, but...Oi! I feel like there's one of those rubbery air things in my stomach," Ben said as he took off his regular clothes in the closet.

"A balloon?" Regina answered, also changing, just in the bathroom.

They both appeared in the middle of the room, appropriately dressed for bed. He was wearing a tank top that showed off his carved arms and his boxers revealed his sculpted calves. Her eyes danced across his body as he walked closer to her.

   "There's one thing about you I can never get over," he said caressing her cheek.

"What?" She asked, smiling big and bright.

"That. Your smile, it's the most beautiful thing I ever had the pleasure of witnessing," he complimented.

She blushed hard and then leant forward, kissing him. She pulled away and walked towards the bed as he did the same. They climbed under the covers and a chill ran up Regina's spine. Ben noticed and he quickly enveloped her in his strong arms. She hummed quietly at the comfort she felt.

"Mm, you're very warm," she whispered as she dozed off. A chuckle came from his wonderful lips.

"So are you. Goodnight, Regina," he said and kissed her.

"Goodnight my dear Benjamin."


The Diner

   "How does it feel to finally be her boyfriend?"

   "It's-it's the most amazing feeling and I have no words to describe it," he said.

   "How long have you loved her?" He asked, adjusting in the booth.

   "Ever since I met her in the forest.  She punched me," he said with a chuckle.

   "That sounds like her," he said.  Jefferson raised his stein and said, "To you finally getting the girl."

   Ben laughed and realized it took a ridiculous amount of time to do so.  He raised his stein, clinking it with the hatter's.  "You like anyone?"

   "I do it's just--they wouldn't like me back," Jefferson said as he stared at Red, serving customers.

   Ben followed his gaze and he smiled.  "You like Red?"

   " no."

   "C'mon mate.  You should talk to her--and not by ordering food."

"Maybe one day...but hey! Are you gonna take Regina out on a date?"


"Oh good Lord," Jefferson sassed. "A date: when two people who like each other have dinner or do some activity."

"Oh so then that is the same as courting correct?"

"Yes, but here it's called dating and you don't really have to ask "official permission"."

"Then...yes I will take her out somewhere. When I figure out how to set up a date."


The Mansion: That Night

Ben and Regina say gleefully on the couch. There were no villains or creatures to take care of (at the moment) and everything was falling into place. Him being so much bigger than her, she fit right into his side with room to spare. "What is this on the moving picture box?"

"TV! It's a TV, Ben. Anyways it's-it's one of the best '80s movies of all time" she explained.

"Ferris Bueller's Day Off?" Ben read off.

""How could I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?"" Regina quoted.

Ben looked completely confused and she turned to him saying, "Benjamin Ainsworth, you're my hero."

To be continued...

If you don't already know I'm a big shipper of MadQueen. But of course in this book Ben and Regina are together (BanditQueen or Renjamin). So whenever I write a book that doesn't have MQ I'll probably have Jefferson with Red (if they're in the story). Because honestly they'd be kind of cute ...MadWolf or RedHatter. 🎩🐶

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