"Good morning." He whispered. I smiled at him and nodded like I was telling him the same thing. He looked sad once again and nodded to himself.

"You're back to... Never mind. I don't know what I was thinking." He said to me. I looked down at my hands then up to see he was looking at me with serious eyes. I wasn't sure what he wanted to know, but I knew I had been in this situation before. It was after I first spoke to my sister after a long time of just silence. She had told herself that my mute disability had gone away and I was cured. She didn't know that it was far from the truth because I was mute for a full three years until she had a break down over something and I needed to speak to her to clam her down. With Niall, I could see he still felt this situation I had to deal with was black and white. I either spoke or I didn't. He didn't see that there was a gray area that I tried sometimes.

I did the only thing that I could think of and that was to lean forward and press a soft kiss to his cheek as a form of an apology. He blushed and looked down at his lap. I tapped his knee to get him to look back at me. With my eyes I tried to show him that I didn't mean for him to feel hurt that I didn't continue to speak to him. I tried to tell him I needed him to understand even if it was extremely selfish of me to beg him to understand me while I did nothing to help him understand me. The thing was, I didn't understand me.

"Why don't you trust me?" He asked me broken and quiet. I got off the floor and sat next to him on the bed. All of me was screaming that I did trust him and that's why I was able to speak to him, but nothing came out of my mouth that was open a little as if gasping for air. Niall shrugged off the blankets and moved so my hands were in his and his blue eyes were burning into me. I wanted to speak to him, but there was a roadblock between my voice and my mind. I reached out to place the palm on my hand on his cheek. I didn't know it was shaking until I held it out. He scoot closer to me and pressed into my hand.

"I just want to know more about it. I don't understand why you can't just talk to me again. I want to hear your voice again." He whispered. I huffed and felt like I was just stuck between wanting something and not wanting something. Niall leaned forward and kissed the corner of my mouth hesitantly. I let my eyes close and tried to understand what exactly was going on.

"It's okay. We'll get there." He said slowly. I nodded then turned to brush my lips on his. There was a second of hesitation from me before I gave in and fully pressed my lips to his. His experienced lips began to move with my amateur ones. My heart still felt the same pounding in my chest and I squeezed his hands before I listened to my body and moved them so one was on his thigh and the one on his cheek was in his hair. I tried to learn as much as I could from his lips, but my mind was frantically trying to understand where the logical rhythm was in this. I've lived my whole life following a rhythm of music, for my heart to be skipping beats and for my breath to be cut off by this new feeling, it ruined the rhythm I was so used to. However, I didn't really care.

Niall's lips began to fade in the teaching area as I began to follow my natured instincts and take control of the kiss. I moved closer to Niall, but he moved back from me. Our lips stayed attached, but I felt like I was still chasing him. I wasn't sure what happened but Niall laid back slowly and my hand that was on his thigh moved to his stomach to press him back into the mattress. Niall shivered so I pulled back to make sure he was okay. I saw his cheeks were flushed and his hair that was still a mess from sleeping was falling in his eyes. I brushed it back and kissed the tip of his nose before just looking at him. A made a decision in that moment that I enjoyed looking at him with him laying under me.

"You're a fast learner, aren't you?" He asked me with a breathless laugh. I nodded and let a smile grown on my face. He leaned up and kissed me again before flopping back on the bed. I looked over at the time and saw I only had a few minutes before I would be late meeting Louis in the music room to help him. I kissed Niall's cheek then climbed off him to get my shoes on. Niall sat up and just watched me until I was getting my music binder and book bag. Then he got up to give me a tight hug that I wasn't sure what it ment.

"Have a good day." He said as he let me go. I kissed his cheek again before walking out of our dorm room. I smiled to myself because I could still feel Niall on my skin even as I walked away. I just prayed that it wouldn't leave me until I was back to him and I could cover myself in his touch again. All the worries I had last night left me because I knew he was going to start understanding me. I also got to kiss him more which now had me hoping that I could kiss him even more. It was an adrenaline that I felt the need to top every time.

Once I got to the music room I found that Louis was already in there with Harry. They were both just talking quietly. I heard Liam's name come up and something about asking out someone, but when they saw me they both stopped talking and smiled at me. I smiled back, but they must have seen the pure joy that came from me that was all because of Niall because they both begin to attack me with questions. I ignored them all because I wasn't sure how to answer why I was so happy or who I was dating. I wasn't dating Niall and I was just happy because of him. They didn't need to know that stuff, so I just sat down and looked at the music that Louis has open.

He had circled the part he didn't understand so I played it quickly and found what he was probably doing wrong. He huffed like a child when I continued to ignore him and Harry. Harry laughed and leaned don't the piano as I showed the pouting twenty year old what he was doing wrong. All the while, the light smile that was kissed on my face by Niall never left me.

A/N: here's a chapter! I have found new music! Troye Sivan is wonderful! Go give his album a listen! What is your last name?!?!?!?!? Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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