Ven let out a scoff and Terra snapped, “What is happening to you!? I know they’re gone and that you think it’s all your fault Ven but do you think for even one minute they’d want you to blow off your friends to hang out with this moron!?”

Seifer turned his head to Terra, “Hey!”

Ven stood up and shoved Terra in the chest. They were both about the same height. Both of them held angry glares.

“Shut up Terra.” Ven growled.

Terra shoved Ven back, “You're changing man and for the worst too. We all miss the old Ven. The one who was actually our friend!”

Ven clenched his fist and took a step towards Terra. Quickly you rose out of your seat so you were ready to stop them if a fight ensued. Ven noticed you and unclenched his fist. He turned and stormed away without another word. You turned back to Terra who was staring unhappily down at his feet.

He glanced up, “Sorry [Name]. I’ll see you later.”

Terra left the opposite way Ven did leaving you alone with Seifer, Fuu and Rai.

“Well now that their gone you have some real company [Name].” Seifer smirked.

You rolled your eyes, grabbed your stuff, then left the three of them.


You jumped slightly when you felt two hands on your shoulders.

“Chill [Name]. It’s just me.” Reno grinned.

You let out a sigh of relief, “Hey Reno.”

“Come sit with us.” Reno offered as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

“Us?” You asked as he began to lead you through the cafeteria towards a table near the back and against the wall. You saw Cloud, Tifa, Zack, Yuffie and Angeal chatting as they ate.

“Look who I found!” Reno cheered as he introduced you to the table.

“Remove your arm Sinclair.” Cloud glared at the red head.

Reno lifted his arms straight up in the air like a mock surrender. You giggled at Cloud’s reaction and Reno’s nervous look.

“Sit here [Name]!” Yuffie chirped pointing to the seat across from her and next to Zack.

You sat down only to have Zack lean towards you a moment later.

He smirked, “Hey [Name].”

“Zack.” Cloud, Tifa, Angeal and Reno said at the same time making the raven haired male pull back reluctantly.

Yuffie grinned, “That was so cool! It was like in perfect unison!”

You laughed as everyone else rolled their eyes.

“Shouldn’t you be leaving anyways yo?” Reno asked leaning against the wall behind him.

Angeal glanced at his watch and nodded, “Yeah we should.”

Him and Zack rose from their seats with their empty lunch trays in hand.

“Where are you going?” You asked.

Zack smirked and leaned towards you again, “Why you gonna miss me?”

You felt a warm blush creep onto your face. Angeal sighed and pulled the back of Zack’s shirt making him stand up right.

Summer DaysWhere stories live. Discover now