
I blinked and replied with a, "What, you want me to join you and tag along? But-"

"I don't suppose you have anything better to do, or do you?"

Damn. He had the point.

"Well, what do you suppose we are going to do about this, Argon?"

For a short second, dude Argon looked down at his paper, glancing his eyes around as he lifted up and set them down. "Well, I suppose we could try and gather some of my missing co-workers..."

I rolled my eyes. I feel genuinely sorry for this sucker, but if we have to go on a manhunt for probably-dead people, it's just going to waste my time. No, in fact, let's go and find my friends since they've been blasted out just like me!

"Dude, if you can't even give me some information, then I don't know what to do with you. I'll just leave right now!" Turning around, I walked out the door, but stopped in the hallway.

Sure enough, Argon came running after me. They always follow after you. Well, most of the time. That's how you know they're interested or genuinely want to help.

"I-I can help! Just please, don't go wandering around willy-nilly..."

Inhale, exhale. Douche.

Finding my cool again, I glanced over my shoulder and into his eyes which looked back at mine almost sadly, or pleadingly. ".. Fine, but if you're not going to let me alone for one minute, then at least wander around with me, while telling me some more about this place. For Christ's sake, I was crashing around in a forest, flung upwards into this space station, so of course I want some damn food, and maybe some bandages. Just, please."

Immediately, he nodded. I would've told him to swear or promise or something like that, but honestly, promises never last long. They're just stupid. For the helpless ones, unprepared for the real world and society.

He started off with, "If you want some food, we'll be on the outskirts of the station."

He was already moving before he even ended. Either he actually understands me or is hungry himself. I followed, silently demanding my stomach to keep quiet before it embarrasses me with a huge grumble. Thankfully, it did.

When he started talking about the disappearances (which mainly consisted everything that I had gathered so far), I just kept my mouth shut and tried acting like I didn't know anything at all. I guess I did a pretty swell job.

Also, I didn't know this, but apparently the station was way bigger on the inside than it looked like on the outside(?); Argon said that supposedly there was a whole 'nother layer beneath this one. Either it would be really tiny, it just consists of vents, or our layer is just tiny.

I expected the nerd-lookin' dude to ask something everyone in a movie or a book would ask, like 'who's your friends' or 'so how was your day', at least something that sounded stupid, but surprisingly, he didn't. Maybe I should expect it later or something. I just hope not.

But then finally, we arrived at a room slightly larger than a kitchen would be. Still tiled floors, but this time a grunge-looking red with white, some spots looking dirty, or even slightly coming apart, exposing some metal. There was a counter, two microwaves against the wall, along with many plastic bags seemingly filled with sandwiches. Cupboards, chairs, a small coffee table, and a fridge.

As soon as Argon muttered the words 'help yourself', I dashed towards the fridge, opening the light blue light open. I just reached forwards, not bothering to feel around much. Pulling out a granola bar, I closed the fridge and ripped the wrapping open, munching into the chocolate oat bar.

I would describe the taste of the snack, but you can imagine it for yourself. I also might have forgotten the taste of it. Heh.

Meanwhile, Argon helped himself to preparing some coffee. Ugh.

When he finished his stupid coffee, I had already grabbed another bar, stuffing it into a pocket in my jeans, then covering the pocket with my brown jacket. As hungry as I was, I would stuff it for later.

Well. Never mind. I grabbed a few more.

Argon was pouring his coffee into a green mug, blowing into the top of its surface, wanting to cool it down I suppose.

At the same time, I studied the room, glancing for some bandages or a first aid. Spotting one on the wall, I trudged over to it, except I was about to open it when Argon asked me to stop. "We only have a limited supply, and there are only so much that can be found in hallways. Besides, I believe that you seem to be fine. You can go without a first aid, right." It was more of a statement than a question, but either way, I knew that he was right.

I grumbled an agreement before rotating towards Argon, asking him, "Do we need to go find an office or something, some kind of intelligence or whatever?" Slowly, he nodded his head, stating that if he could go find one of the three main computers, he could monitor the security cameras, try to find someone else on board, or try and find evidence to help on the situation.

"Could never know if this was predicted or not. I just need to confirm my suspicions with another being, for both proof and assurance, of course."

That was a good valid point.

Strutting towards the hallway, I called over my shoulder, "Yo, Aragdonn, take me to your leader."

A soft chuckle sounded behind me as the pair of foot pattered after me, before finally Argon strolled with me in the hallways, pointing out where to take a turn or to relive a certain memory out loud.

Yeah. This is definitely not a horror movie.



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