Chapter 4: In the Business of Problems

Start from the beginning

“Please, relax. The last thing I need is someone else forgetting that I’m an actual person. I need the best. Marc insists that’s you, but you won’t be much help to me if you’re constantly distracted by silly things like titles and curtsies.”

Ugh. I forgot to curtsy. Gwen’s face flushed a deep red. “What brings you to our part of the forest… Rose?” In attempting to sound casual, the words tripped over themselves as they fell out of Gwen’s mouth, but now it was the Queen’s turn to look uncomfortable.

“You’re sure she can be trusted?” Rose’s eyes never left Gwen’s, although the question clearly hadn’t been meant for her.

Who was she to come into her home and treat her like she was the one who should be questioned? Well, that answer was obvious. But it was still insulting!

If she wanted to be treated like everyone else, then that was what she would get.

“You hear that Marc? Apparently she doesn’t trust your judgment. Her majesty doesn’t think we mere commoners can help her.” A small smile played on Gwen’s lips as she waited to see if her royal highness would rise to the bait. Not that it was much in terms of banter bait, but even if she hadn’t been the Queen, she was still Marc’s friend. And potentially a paying customer.

Marc, of course, remained silent. He preferred to stay blessedly neutral at all times.

Rose didn’t even have the decency to look away. No, she actually seemed to be enjoying herself. “Well you do look a little strange. Not entirely sound of mind.”

“Well shucks. I do believe that is the politest way I’ve ever been told I look crazy. Thank you so much.”

Rose and Gwen continued to lock eyes, both refusing to blink first. It was only when Rose’s lip twitched up into the smallest of smiles that Gwen started to feel comfortable. Simultaneously, both Gwen and Rose relaxed their posture. Perhaps this might even be fun.

“How can we help you?”

“Actually, it really is just you I came to see. Not that a visit with Marc is ever unwelcome.” The Queen glanced over at Marc, but he waved away her comment with a smirk. “He tells me you spend a lot of time studying the legends of Wonderland. Our history. Even our future, perhaps.”

Gwen’s eyes darted to Marc, looking for something to help her decipher what she was hearing. Her studies had always remained secret. Not to Marc, but to absolutely everyone else. He smiled apologetically before averting his gaze.

“I… What did he…” Gwen wasn’t sure how much she should say, how much Marc had told this woman she had never met.

“Now it seems it is you who does not trust me. But I won’t hold it against you,” Rose said with a playful wink. “Sometimes, I see things.” The White Queen paused for a beat, choosing her words. “Things that haven’t happened yet. Things that will happen soon.”

Gwen glanced at her friend and caught him watching them. As soon as their eyes met, he glanced back down and flipped over to the next page in his book. At least he had the decency to pretend he wasn’t supervising.

“Lately, I’ve been seeing images of Wonderland’s future,” Rose continued. “Pieces of our world are literally falling away, and what remains is barely a shell of what we had before.”

Gwen tried to wrap her mind around what she was hearing. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe the Queen— seeing the future was no more strange than hearing the voices of plants and animals. She just couldn’t quite fit all the pieces together. “And what is it you think I can do for you?”

Beautiful Madness, Book One: Follow the White RabbitWhere stories live. Discover now