Chapter 33 - Advice

Start from the beginning

We shook our heads and smiled. "He's Ash." Michael said. "And don't ask where he got that." He said and laughed a little.

"Gather 'round everyone and join our bonfire." Ashton said and everyone gathered around us. The lads beside us. There are fans who are here too.

Each band took turns in performing while everyone's singing, dancing and jamming along. I can see Fam H's eyes sparkle in happiness while we were performing. That's what we love to see. They're happy and enjoying.

Some fans asked for a picture or autograph and we gladly did. They are only a hundred so it's a bit easy for us to handle.

"Thank you for jamming with us." James said and we waved them goodbye.

"That was so nice of them to jam with us. We surely do miss being on stage and performing." Brad said and we agreed.

"It's also great to be playing our instruments and performing too after quite a long time." Niall said.

"Lads have you see Reg?" Nate asked.

We looked at each other and shook our heads. "Something wrong Nate?" I asked.

He nod. "I can't find her."

I looked around and saw her familiar figure near the lake. "I see her over there by the lake." I said and pointed at her direction.

He nod and jogged towards her. Her standing there reminds me of the time I found her crying because of what Zayn said to her a month ago. That was the time I saw her cry for the first time that got me so worried.

Reg's POV

What Luke said a while ago is still in my head. Most instincts are really gonna happen based on my experience too. I'm quite worried that'll happen. But what's the reason he's gonna do that if it really happens?

"What are you doing here alone my love?" I heard Nate's voice that startled me from my thoughts.

"Thinking." I said in monotone.



He laughed. "Of course it's about something. What's it about?"

I shook my head. "Too personal."

"I understand. Whatever you're thinking right now, please think less of it. We want you all to enjoy your last day here in London. And by all, including you." He said and placed an arm around my shoulder.

I smiled. "I guess you're right. I shall think about this maybe tomorrow while on the plane or even if I remember it." I said then laughed. "Because surely my fam and I are gonna be chatting about everything we experienced the past month even if it'll be over and over again."

"They're getting ready to sleep. They're arranging their sleeping bags, blankets and pillows in the tents." He said and pointed at them.

"Sleep? I hardly doubt my fam will sleep at this rate. Since today is our last day, they are gonna enjoy it to the fullest because we don't know when we will be back. Believe me, they're just gonna say they'll sleep on the plane instead." I said then laughed and looked at them.

They're chasing each other, having a pillow fight and lying on the grass. That's what we usually do. We sure know how to enjoy ourselves. Boredom never strikes us.

"I'm gonna go talk with Niall for a sec." I said then jogged towards my 1D mates.

"Hey Reg!" They said.

"Hey lads. It's so good to see you guys complete again." I said then sat down with them.

"Us too." Louis said.

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