Chapter eight the gangleaders kitten

Start from the beginning

" and why is that?.." Aiden asked. " or this'll happen," I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him towards me while flipping him onto his stomach, and holding him to the ground. " how's that?.." I hear his groan of pain and just keep grinning. 

" you lack in actually paying attention to your opponent. Your stance is terrible and your kicks...ugh. There is a lot of work here." I told both of them firmly. They both growled at me," HOW DARE YOU TALK TO US LIKE THAT! " both of their eyes started to turn dark. I suppose they're trying to use that alpha trick where they get someone to do what they want.

I just yawned and shrugged it off, they were confused and surprised. Did I ever mention that....I'm actually adopted? So I have alpha blood in me. My " father" was. not my real father. " h-how are you not affected?..." They stared at me in confusion.

" that's a secret."

I smiled and walked away.

Zeke's POV

I'm Fucking angry.

I haven't seen my Juliet all damn day! I'm beginning to think that something has happened to her. Jesus Christ I'm acting as if I'm her brother.

Every time I touch her or am with her I feel happy inside and. Just in heaven. But when I'm away from her I feel so bad and soo much fury builds up inside me.

Plus all day girls have been clinging onto me. Like go suck a big fat dick or something...damn.

I miss my little kitten soo much. Yes I actually admit it. I feel like she's hiding something from me but..I'm not sure.

I just have this feeling in my gut, ya know? this what it's like to love someone?..

fuck I'm falling for her really quickly and I don't know why..


Juliet's POV

UGH..I'm so bored!...

I want to go on a run but...what would I do after that?..

Plus my stepdad won't let me run because I don't know where to fucking go.. Apparently.

I sighed and looked around for what to do..

I was currently laying on top of my bed pondering about things.

I'm really craving to kick some ass rn...

" AUGH! THERES NOTHING TO DO IN THIS BORING ASS TOWN! " I growled and punched my wall, making an indent in it.

I began breathing heavily. But began to calm down.

I sighed and just looked up at the ceiling once again for the millionth time.

" I need some fresh air....but Mr. Alpha of my soon to be stepfather has high alert on me..meaning I'll be needing body guards..." I bit my lip hard and grower once more.


I began to dress and head out.

Along with built ass fucking guards

God.. I wonder what's zeke doin' rn.

Zeke's POV

AUGH I can't fucking take being with fucking Martinez for next few days...

He's annoying the hell out of me and ugh...

To be quite honest I really am curious and frustrated on why My kitten didn't come to school..

My uncle has been distracting me with gang things, mostly about this other little gang who thinks they can over throne mine.

I swear that I'll cut off that bastards head and hang it in my kitchen. I can't wait to see the fear and sorrow in his little eyes, as if I were his predator and he was my prey.

How I love to see the fear in my opponents eyes...

I chuckle softly and close my eyes.


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