Chapter Two: Falling For You

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After 10 minutes of walking and trying to get that scruffy haired boy out of my mind, I finally reach the school gates. I stand in the middle of them for a while thinking of all the friends and memories I've left behind, I didn't think about everyone trying to get past me, I was shoved a little until a nice looking girl with blonde hair pulled me to the side. "Is there something wrong with you?!" she had large, light blue eyes that stared into my very soul. "oh me? no, I'm fine, perfectly normal" I replied to her and gave a nervous chuckle at the end. She sighed "you're not from round here are you? I can tell by your accent" she came closer to me, looking me up and down. "oh no, I'm from Birmingham it's kinda up-" I began "yeah, I know where it is, I'm not stupid" she replied jokingly "You must be the new girl right? You're going to be in some classes with me and my friend Bryony". She pointed over by a large tree where a girl stood. She had reddy-brown hair down to her waist, dark hazel eyes and was considerably smaller than I was, still, she was very pretty. She waved at me, I gave a nervous smile. "well, the bell's going to go soon, you better get your shit together" she began to walk away "oh, I'm Lucie by the way, I'll see you around" she carried on walking towards Bryony. It suddenly occurred to me that Lucie & Bryony didn't know my name "I'm Meg by the way!" I shouted towards them, Lucie turned around and gave me a thumbs up. Well, I'd made two friends, I guess, and I'd only been at school for 5 minutes. I watched the two girls walk away until the sound of the school bell broke my stare, I turn to walk towards the entrance and bump into one of those boy from earlier this morning. "Watch where you're going asshat" It was the one with the red hair. I rolled my eyes and carried on walking.

I got inside and slowly made my way to my first class, English. How fucking fantastic, I despise English with a passion, I'd do anything to get out of it. My mum always told me 1st impressions mean everything so I suppose i better be 'good' on my first day. I walk through the door into a brightly coloured classroom and see only two faces I recognise, Lucie and Bryony. They have a spare seat near the window so I stumble my way through stray rucksacks and chairs and sit down in a huff. "what a kerfuffle" Bryony jokes to me, I let out a nervous laugh. I was never this nervous and quiet back home, I should probably wait a little longer until that side of me come out in case they think I'm weird and I loose the only friends I have. I look around the class to familiarise myself with some faces and i suddenly spot him. The boy with the baby blue eyes and scruffy hair, I need to know who he is. "Hey, Lucie" she turns to look at me "who's that boy over there?" I point to where he's sat. "Oh, that's James Bourne" she replies "You don't want to go any where near him, he's super popular him and all his friends are absolute wazzocks, apart from Kenny of course" she added, Bryony nodded. Wazzocks? That's new, I've not heard that before, must be a country thing, I couldn't see James being a 'wazzock' he was the only one out of that group of lads that was actually civil towards me. Lets be real though, he probably felt sorry for me or something, he'll probably be horrible to me sooner or later. He lifts his head and looks behind him to talk to his friend, the one with the tooth gap, I think his name is Charlie but I'm not sure. He looks over at me and we lock eyes "why did you want to know anyway?" Lucie butted in, I lost my eye contact with him "Oh no reason" I replied. "Christ on a bike, you don't have a crush on him do you? You've literally been here an hour Meg. Listen, not to ruin your dreams but you have no chance, all the popular girls have been after him for ages, he's having none of it and you being new doesn't help matters" Lucie adds, my heart sinks a little. "Hey Luce, Kenny's coming" Bryony whispered. A guy walked in with a slicked back quiff and deep grey eyes, he must be Kenny. He sits beside Lucie on the end of the row so he can still mess about with his mates, Kenny and Lucie kiss, for quite a while I may add. I looked at Bryony "are they always like this?" I asked "Most of the time, He's sweet though, once you get to know him" Bryony replied.
"Right then class, Kenny, Lucie I've told you before, get your tongues out of each others mouths" The teacher stormed into the classroom and sat at her desk, she didn't acknowledge me, in some ways, I'm glad, I don't want to draw too much attention to myself. Thus began the longest english lesson ever.

Finally the bell went for the end of lesson, I stood up and asked Lucie and Bryony if they were in my next lesson, they weren't, shit. I walked down the corridor by myself, I walk past so many people, all the faces are a blur. I walk past a bunch of lockers, I'm only focused of one thing, James. Because of my foolish 'school girl' fantasies, I don't see the foot stick out in front of me and trip me over. I slide along the floor. My bag opens and I drop everything, my books, my phone, my notepad, the lot. I hear stupid sniggering from behind me, I roll over to see the coloured hair boy laughing with all his friends, but James isn't there, I sit up and start to gather all my things, I'm sure it's just a silly game they play with all the new kids, I just can't let it get to me. I go to grab my note pad and my fingers brush against someone else's, I look up and notice the blue eyes, I'd recognise those anywhere. "I'm sorry about Jack, He can be a little bitch sometimes" He says handing me my notepad. "Thanks" I manage to whimper back. "I'm James, you are?" he has the softest voice. "Meg, I'm Meg" I reply. "Well Meg, you should probably get to your next lesson before you get into loads of shit, I can walk you there if you like?" He smiles at me, I smile back. "um, no, I think I'll be okay, thank you so much though" I straighten myself up and walk away towards my drama class.

I think I'm going to like it here.

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