“Were you trying to kill yourself? I know that your depressed, although you wont talk to me, even though you know you can tell me anything!

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up big bro, what are you talking about?” I said arms up, shaking my head, trying to processes everything he just said.

“You! You fell asleep outside of the Morgan’s house! Luckily Jason found you, before you froze to death! He brought you back to his house and, and...”

I was in absolute shock. I had fallen asleep outside. What the hell is wrong with me! That was the most stupidest thing I’ve ever done. How could I have been so naive? 

Before I could mentally abuse myself more, Derek spoke again, but in a much more softer tone then before.

“Albi,” Albi is my nickname, only my parents and Derek dare to call me that. At the age of five, my mother wanted to call me Ali but I hated that name so she came up with Albi and it stuck ever since. “When Jason brought you in, you were so cold. I surely thought you were dead.” He paused and I could feel my eyes getting watery. “But than we all heard you mumble and that’s when we took you upstairs to warm you up.” I saw a tear run down my brother’s face and I swiftly wiped it away before hugging him. I have never seen my brother cry, or let alone show any emotion whats so ever. Even when we were little and he broke his arm. He didn’t even cry, or say it hurt. So when I saw that tear falling from his eyes I knew I must have really scared him. I never wanted to startle my brother and I don’t know how I am going to forgive myself.

“Derek, I’m, I’m so, sorry. I just, broke down. I didn’t mean to fall asleep out there, it, it, just happened. And I sure in the hell wasn’t trying to kill myself.” I said softly into his ear and he hugged me tighter. I knew then, he was forgiving me, but I still couldn’t help but feel horrendous.

“Don’t ever do that to me again!” He said sternly and I nodded.  

“Derek, I’m so sorry.”

“I know you are Alba.” He said wiping away my tears.

“But what’s weird was the things you were saying when you were finally warming up, you were mumbling nonstop.” He said lightening up the mood.

I felt my face heat up. “What was I saying” I whispered.

“You keep saying, I’m sorry Jason. I’m sorry Sage. But no one knew what you were talking about.”

“Oh.” I said. I was glad I didn’t say anything more embarrassing.


“Well, what?”

“What did you mean by it?”

“Derek, do you really want to know?”

“No, not really.”

“Okay go-”

But” he said interrupting me, “If it has anything to do with Jason, which I’m fairly sure it does. He better watch out cause if he hurts you, I’ll-”

“Yeah, I think I know what your going to say. No need to scare the lady.” I said nodding my head towards Rachel. 

They gave each other a morning kiss and we all went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Derek had cooked, like he usually does, some bacon and eggs. After breakfast, we all sat around and watched Family Guy until it was dark. Derek had to take Rachel home, and I stayed back at the house to give them their privacy. 

We had three more days of freedom until it was back to school. My parents called around noon to say that they were loving the plaza so much that they wouldn’t be home until Sunday afternoon.

That’s great, at least I could avoid them, it was Jason that was going to be much harder to.

It’s Tuesday afternoon, and I’m hiding in the bathroom at lunch. The rest of the weekend, while it went a little something like this. 

Jason called about 60 times and texted me about a hundred, and his sister called about another 20 and texted another 40 times A DAY! Not that I wanted to blow off Jess, I just figured I had less chances of running into Jason if I just avoided everyone all together. 

In English class he tried to speak with me while we were taking a test, which was really stupid! Mrs. Lopez caught him and yelled at him for trying to cheat and made him sit outside to finish his test. I felt bad, but I wasn’t ready to talk to him yet. To talk to anyone for that matter. 

I rode to school with Derek so I had to ride home with him, something that I usually never do, but he understood. 

Rachel sat in the front with my brother and I sat in back with Zach. I hadn’t spoke with Zach since the incident at my party, so that just made everything that much more awkward. My brother drives a red 1986 Chevrolet Camero, and if you ever been inside one, you would know how little space there is in the back seat. So Zach and mine arms we touching because, let’s face it the guy is huge, he takes up three-fourths of the backseat. 

Nobody spoke until we arrived at my house. I really didn’t want company so I just stayed in my room until dinner time.

The rest of the night seem to be pasting by slowly, it was almost seven, way to early for bed, but to late to go out. I was ahead of my class so, I didn’t have much homework. I resorted to play fruit ninja, but that made me what to cry. I felt a tear come down, then another one, then another one. So, I got up, locked my door; grabbed my head buds, put on the saddest song I had in my phone and letting the song take me away.

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