The touch of Grayson’s hand on my shoulder brought me back to the present.  I wiped the tears from my face and looked around for what I came for.  On her nightstand it sat.  A simple wood picture frame, with two sides held together with a hinge.  I walked over and sat down on the bed.  A plume of dust rose but I paid it no mind as my eyes locked on the pictures.  One was a crayon drawing, done by Shayde when she was six of her and me.  Black crayon hair and stick figure bodies with huge smiles drawn from ear to ear.  The other was the only picture left of us together, the summer before she died.  My parents destroyed all others.

We looked so much alike.  Our smiles were wide and bright and happiness shone from our eyes.  I picked up the picture and smiled.  “We were on your swing when we took this.  We snuck over after the neighbors left to go on vacation.  We swung forever, seeing who could go the highest but Shayde always won.” I said glancing up at Grayson to see him watching me with a trace of sadness in his eyes.  He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.  

“She looks just like you.” he said and hugged me closer.  

I let my head fall to his shoulder and closed my eyes.  He seemed to know that I needed time.  We sat there for a few minutes in silence while I remembered all the good times and said goodbye to Shayde.  We stood and he walked me to the door in the closet.  I carried the picture cradled against my chest.  At the door, I turned and took one last look, making a mental picture of the room.  I wanted to stay.  I wanted to lay down on her bed and cry like a baby but in the end I turned and left, knowing Shayde was long gone and in a better place.

Outside, I locked and closed the back door with Grayson waiting patiently for me.  I dropped the back door key in the dirt and snow and kicked more snow over it.  I clutched the key to my sister’s room tight, along with the picture frame.  

Walking into my new home was a completely different experience than walking into my old one.  The scent of coffee and bacon greeted us, along with the warmth and sounds of Hope and Faith singing a Christmas carol off key.  

“Hey, where did you two run off to so early in the morning?”  Hope asked eyeing Grayson closely.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him shake his head the tiniest bit and Hope’s shoulders slumped in what seemed like disappointment.  

“Do you want to show them?” he asked me and I nodded.  I walked close as Faith came out of the kitchen.  I held out the picture for them to see.  

Small gasps escaped their lips as they took in the photo and drawing.  “Oh honey, she was beautiful.” Faith said and wrapped me in a hug.  Over the weeks I lived here, I became used to the physical contact my new family offered and now I enjoyed the comfort it provided me.  When I looked up, they both had tears in their eyes and I knew they felt the loss as if it was their own.  Their hearts were full of love for everyone, it didn’t matter that they never met Shayde.  

As the day went on I kept Shayde in my thoughts but I also let go of the pain I had felt for over two years.  

I laughed, sang and ate with my new family.  Being around them seemed to bring out the best in me.  As snow fell outside and the sun dipped below the horizon, we gathered around the tree and passed out gifts.  They handed me the bulk of the wrapped boxes and I frowned, remembering I told them not to get me anything.

“Don’t look at us that way.  It’s your first Christmas with us, of course we were going to get you something.” Hope said and pressed another package in my hand.  I stared at the red and silver wrapping paper, savoring the moment.  “Open it!” Everyone said at the same time, their excitement getting the best of them.

I smiled from ear to ear as I slowly ripped the paper off the box.  Grayson watched with his own smile but Hope and Faith looked as if they were going to run over and rip it open if I didn’t hurry.  I opened every gift in the same fashion, finding everything from clothes to books to makeup.  In the end, I noticed Grayson kept his word and didn’t get me anything.  I felt bad that I couldn’t get them anything but they looked so happy that I knew they didn’t care.  They were happy to see me receive gifts that I would have never had if not for them.  

“Thank you so much.” I said as I crawled out of my pile of new things and hugged Hope and Faith.  

“You’re welcome honey, we love you.” They said at the same time, as they seemed to have a habit of doing.  

I laughed and hugged them again.  “I love you all, too.”  They were the best Christmas gift I could ever receive and it felt wonderful to tell them that I loved them, if only I could tell Grayson the same.

After cleaning up the wrapping paper that littered every inch of the living room, Grayson pointed to the swing set in the back yard.  I nodded and ran to my room to put my snowsuit on.  When I came back through, he was waiting at the back door.  He opened the door and I ran through.  

The snow was falling softly and the moon was bright overhead.  I stood in the center of the yard and twirled in a circle.  Tonight I felt like a new person.  There were still things to come that I would rather not deal with but at that moment things seemed right.  Grayson laughed as he watched me twirl until I got dizzy.  As I stumbled to a stop, he was there to catch me.  We laughed together as he twirled us both around and held each other up as we walked to the swings.  

He brushed off the swings as he always did and we sat in content silence for a few minutes.  I looked over as Grayson cleared his throat in an almost nervous sounding way.  

“Um, I got you something.” he said, digging in his coat pocket.

“Grayson, I told you not to.” 

“Don’t worry, as long as you accept it you’ll be giving me a gift too.” he explained in a rush.  I didn’t understand what he meant by that.

He pulled out a small velvet box and held it out to me.  My mouth dropped open and my eyes went wide when he opened it to reveal a ring.

(Bunny's note)  I know what you're thinking and it's kinda funny.  I hope you like it!  Vote, Comment and Fan!  Thank you for reading!  

Bye My Bunnies!<3

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