"Yeah, it just got abit cold here, so i don't feel that well." You chuckled, rubbing your hands to gain warm.

"THEN THAT MEANS YOU'RE NOT OKAY!" Papyrus shouted, running over to you. He held your hands and you felt the sudden warmth from his glove.

"YOU'RE COLD, LIKE ICE." Papyrus stated. You just smiled as you rubbed your cheeks. "I guess i am..."

"THEN FEAR NOT!" Papyrus shouted. "FOR I SHALL HELP YOU." You looked at him confusef.

"How-" you then saw him wrapping his red scarf at your neck. Your body immediately felt warm and you buried your face in it.

"It's warm..." you mumbled, blushing, although it was hidden under the scarf.

"OF COURSE! FOR IT IS THE SCARF THAT THE GREAT PAPYRUS WEAR!" he answered and you laughed at his childish behaviour.

"YOU CAN KEEP IT." Papyrus said, pushing the scarf closing to you. His face also inched closer until both of you were only inches apart. He closed his eyes and smiled, not knowing the situation.

"U-um okay..." you stuttered. He nodded, pleased with your response. He moved back and you sighed in relief. You pulled your scarf up and looked at him.


"_______." You answered him. He nodded and smiled. He held out his gloved hands to you.

"NICE TO MEET YOU HUMAN! I SHALL DEFEAT YOU AND CAPTURE YOU WITH PUZZLES!" He said. You took his hand and shook it. He held you not too tight but it was still firm.

"We'll see about that." You smirked at him, taunting him. He then went to the oposite direction running. You stood there for a while as you held the red scarf.

"Smells like spaghetti..."


"I'm hungry..." you mumbled, your stomach growling, demanding for more food. Flowey grumbled at your complain.

"You just said that before and ate the pie, dimwit." Flowey poked your cheek.

"That was before. Now i'm hungry again." You said to him. He looked at you straight-faced.

"You just ate fifteen minutes ago."

"That's still before!"

You sighed and held your stomach. If only you would reach the village Snowdin but Flowey did say it was near. Just then, you smelled something that made you perked up. You saw lights from afar.

"It's Snowdin!" You shouted in glee. "Then there's food!" You jumped up and down, resulting in Flowey to be shaken.

"_______, stop jumping!!!" Flowey shouted. You stopped and he sighed in relief.

"Thank g- woaah?!" You started running to the village. Flowey gripped tight onto your jacket, trying his best not to fall.


"Hello traveller! How can i help you?" The lady bunny asked. You entered he shop and felt the warmth of the building.

"Can i buy the cinammon buns?" You asked her, the smell of the bread wafting in the shop.

"Sure deal, traveller!" She gave you yhe cinammon buns. You paid it and thanked her before you devoured the food in a second.

"It's delicious!" You stated, taking another munch of the piping hot cinammon bun.

While you were eating you heard the woman chuckled. Your turned to her, your mouth full, still chewing the bread.

"Here, you can have another one." She handed you another piece of bun. You stared at it as you gulped down the last piece of your bun.

"R-really?" You looked at the woman, hesitating.

"The deal is on the house!" She grin widely. You smiled and bowed, thanking her once again.

"Come again. I'll make more cinammon buns next time!" The lady bunny waved goodbye at you.

You held the bun on your hand as you split it in half, walking to a secluded area in the town. Flowey went out of the bag and both of you took a seat under the pine trees.

"Here, Flowey." You handed half of the piece to Flowey. Flowey looked at you astonished and back to the bun.

"What?" Flowey asked in confusion. "I'm not hungry, dimwit." Flowey told you.

"Judging by the way you looked at my pie before we get here," you put in in front of his face. "You must be hungry."

"W-well..." Flowey mumbled, looking aside. "Fine. It'd be a waste to be eaten by you, dimwit."

You chuckled as he took the bread with his vines and ate it.

Hp fully restored!

A/N: wow 2 chapters in a day._.

P.s. credit to the owner of the drawing!

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