"Raquel?" I said feeling my cheeks get hot. All of my confidence was still in the room with Komfort and Taylor.

"I see you met my next door neighbors." She said with a chuckle.

"We um, went shopping earlier and-"

"Save the bullshit." Raquel said cutting me off. "I know fucking when I hear it and that's exactly what the three of you were doing. Looks like we've got a froshstitute on the team. Just know when the season starts that this won't be acceptable. Make sure you get it all out of your system."

"Froshstitute?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"I read it in a book once." She said shrugging.

"Are you calling me a hoe?" I asked getting a little offended.

"If the shoe fits, by all means wear that bitch."  Raquel laughed.

"Fuck you, Raquel." I said brushing past her, but she stopped me.

"Where are you going?" She asked with a tight grip on my arm.

"To my room, if you'd let me go." I said rolling my eyes.

"No, you can crash in my apartment." She said making me frown.

"I don't want to." I said yanking my arm away from her.

"Well you can't go back to your dorms dumbass." Raquel said looking annoyed.

"Why not?"

"Because it's past your curfew. The freshman dorms stop letting freshman in at midnight, it's 1:15am, you're crashing in my apartment. End of discussion." She said pulling me towards her door. I didn't even protest this time.

"You're so bossy, no wonder you're the captain." I said once we'd entered Raquel's apartment.

"I'm not bossy. I'm just watching out for your dumbass. How did you not know about the curfew? Do you know what coach does to freshman for missing curfew?" She asked me.

"Obviously not, but I'm sure you're going to tell me." I said rolling my eyes, and walking over to Raquel's couch and plopping down on it.

"You got a smart ass mouth. I should let you get in trouble." She said shaking her head at me, but smirking. Damn. Why does she have to be so damn sexy?

"Whatever. Can I take a shower?" I asked.

"Duh, bitch. You thought you were going to sleep in my bed without showering first?" Raquel asked making my cheeks get hot.

"I'm sleeping with you?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Only in your dreams, freshman. I'm taking the couch." She said making me frown.

"No, I can take the couch." I offered.

"No you can't." Raquel shook her head.

"Yes, I can." I said laying on the couch. "It's comfortable. See."

"Get your damn shoes off my couch, Daniella." Raquel said coming over and pushing my legs off the couch and making me fall off.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now