''You're in my way.'' I stop walking.

''Well if you want I could walk behind you, but you're ass is honestly distracting me.'' He smiles at me.

''Aw babe!'' I smile sarcastically.

''Don't get hyped, there's hardly anything there. Nice shape to it though. It looks good from the back.'' He grins. 

''Please! Fuck off!'' I push him out of my way and start walking fast towards the school. Immature, annoying little shit. 

I spend the day with Nadia various members of her little posse, as usual. She's been speaking to this guy called Connor from our year after spilling drink on him at a party on Saturday, and apparently she's starting to develop feelings for him. Blah Blah Blah. My motto?

Catch no feelings, feel no pain. Girls are stupid, Jesus.

I don't say this though. I continue to sell her dreams of cute relationships and whatever else. 

''Yeah, I honestly think you'd be adorable together,'' I say for the fiftieth time on the way to my next class; drama. 

''Aw, thanks Kyla! You're in drama right? Well I've got French, actually, so I'll see you later on, okay? In fact, I won't because I have additional maths after school. Oh, dear. Well see you tommorow Ky!'' She smiles warmly at me, walking off in the direction of the languages deparment. 

I chose drama mainly because I like the idea of being different people. It's kind of shitty in school, since the class is mostly occupied by the good-for-nothing, unambitious, annoying boys and girls of my year who chose drama because they thought it would be an easy A, who mess around constantly in class. I spend most lessons with my headphones in. It's even effort to give fake laughs to the dead-ass jokes the other kids make nowadays. 

I take my usual place, right at the back row, on the last seat to the right. I'm next to Suzannah again. It'a pretty useful for when we have to do practicals, as you have to pair with the person next to you usually, and she's too shy to voice her opinions, so everything is done my way. She should credit me when we get A's. I know I'm good at it. 

The teacher, Miss. Thornley, a young woman with long ash blonde hair and rectangle classes,fresh out of university, is halfway through a presentation on Stage Dynamics when Demario walks through the door. He casually puts his bag on the shelf as if he's perfectly on time.

''Are you fucking kidding me.'' I breathe quietly. Suzannah glances at me, trying to read my expression. 

''Um, Demario! How lovley to see you! You've been absent for a while!'' Miss Thornley exclaims, trying her best to keep the class engaged with the film being used as an example peice which is currently being projected onto the wall. I watch Demario carefully as he throws her his signature half smile. Something sparks inside me as he does so, but I ignore it. A bunch of girls in my class are smoothing down their dumb hairstyles and fluttering their clumpy eyelashes in his direction. He dosen't even acknowledge it. Miss Thornley waves at the seats arranged around the drama studio, implying for him to sit down. I hold my breath with fustration as he pulls out a plastic seat right in front of me. 

As he sits down, he turns to smile at me. Annoying me obvouisly amuses him. I glare back at him, although I'm already receiving a few jealous, bitchy stares of the other girls. One girl in particular; Nicole Johnson. Back when I used to be a little more basic, and a little louder in school, I used to fight with her reguarly. Not fist fights or hair pulling; I ain't about that life! But bitchy arguments which usually got louder and louder till it escelated into one of us being thrown out of class. See, I used to be very popular, and so was she...I guess she still is. I don't really bother anymore - like I keep saying. We clashed on a lot. Now? Not so much. I hold her stare and narrow my eyes at her. 

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