"Yeah. I got one. I think-" I stopped, "I think it might be perfect."

Niall nodded,

"Ok, let's hear it."

I cleared my throat, itching my leg nervously as I shifted on my butt,

"I don't uh...." I stopped, "You just want the lyrics? I don't have the melody totally down yet or anything."

Niall nodded,

"Sure. Let's hear it."

I picked up the notebook and stared down at the words in front of me,

"If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. I think I might give up everything just ask me to. Pay attention I hope that you listen, cause I let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenseless." I cleared my throat, my mouth was so dry, "For your eyes only, I show you my heart. For when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me when we're apart. Now you know me. For your eyes only."

I cautiously lifted my eyes to look at Niall. He was staring at me with a look on his face that I couldn't immediately pick out. Was he mad? Disgusted? Intrigued?

"What?" I asked.

He suddenly came to life, blinking a few times as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket,

"Yeah. We uh-"

"Who are you calling?" I interrupted as I stood up.

Niall tapped a name on his phone and put it to his ear,

"The best piano player I know. We're finishin' that song. Tonight."


Noah's cake was a sight to see. It took three of the employees to get it out to my truck. Two of them rode with me, sitting in the backseat, holding onto it while I drove. Another followed in their car so they could leave once we'd gotten the cake inside.

I made small talk with them as we drove. Neither of the ladies in my backseat seemed to be fans even though they knew who I was.

I had called Emily earlier and told her to make sure the refrigerator was cleared out to make room for the cake. She sounded taken aback, but she assured me it would be handled. I could hear Niall in the background so I knew she'd probably delegate it to him.

Her eyes widened when I held the door open for the three ladies to get the cake inside,

"Harry." She gasped.

I smiled a big wide smile. I was proud of myself. She was impressed. I had finally done something right,

"Off the chain right?"

Niall looked over at me,

"Did ya just say 'off the chain'?"

Emily looked over at the women as they left the house after I paid them,

"Harry, it's amazing. You've outdone yourself."

I shrugged,

"Nothing too big for my boy. How are the decorations? Did everything turn out?" I asked as I looked out to the backyard.

"Yeah. Everything is great. The kids are about to start showing up."

Niall looked over at Jessica,

"Let's get out to the backyard and start getting things handled."

Once they were gone, I looked over at Emily as she finished setting out small macaroons on a tray,

Pieces Of Us - Until I Find You Again // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now