Bithday Wishes(updated)

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Chapter 2- Birthday Wishes

10 years later

Emma's pov

Hi, I'm Emma as you already know. I have long blond wavy hair, green eyes and the daughter of the alpha. My parents Mary Margaret and David Blancher are the leaders I guess you can say of my pack, the blue moon pack. We are the strongest American pack ever.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be turning 16. Tomorrow is the day I get to find my mate. My parents are throwing me a party to celebrate. Oh! And tomorrow is when I turn into a wolf! I am soo happy.

I was sitting on my bed thinking to myself when all of a sudden someone burst into my room and jumped on me. I look up to see Hook. No, he doesn't like pirates anymore but it's something I'm only allowed to call him so it makes me feel special.

"Hey." He says.

"Can u get off of me." I shout." You way 100,000 pounds."

"I do not!" He whined. "You're just weak!"

I look to my right where my desk is and grab the teddy bear Hook got me for my birthday a few years ago and start to hit him with it.

"Ow hey, that's not fair!" He whined/shouted.

"Then get off!" I whined back.

He gets off me and says, "come on get ready."

"For what?"

"We're going shopping."

"Why? It's.." I turn to look at the alarm clock next to my bed and look back at Hook to Finish my sentence. "6 in the morning." I whined.

"Because tomorrow is your birthday so I want to make today special." Awwww

"Ugh, fine get out then." I said. With that, he gets off my bed and walks out of my room shutting my door behind him.

I got out of my bed and walked to my walk in closet and picked out black skinny jeans, a white tank top, black boots, sunglasses, a black hat and my black purse. (Outfit is the picture above). After I picked out my outfit, I walked to the bathroom attached to my room and stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower.

After my shower, I got out and wrapped myself in a towl. I brushed my teeth and then put on the outfit I chose and then blowdried my hair keeping it down. I put on some light makeup then I grabbed my purse, phone, and sunglasses and threw on some white converse then ran downstairs shutting my door behind me.

When I got downstairs the smell of blueberry waffles hit my nose. Mmmm my favorite. I got to the kitchen to see almost all of the pack. I quickly got some food said goodbye to my parents and went outside to see Hook standing by his car waiting for me.

"Finally it took you forever." Hook says.

" Oh shut up." I say back.

15 minutes later we arrive at Michele's crafting store. One of my favorite crafting stores to go to. If you don't already know I love arts n crafts.

Hook parked the car and I immediately jump out excited to get new craft supplies because I ran out forever ago. "Slow down Em." Hook laughed. I quickly grabbed his hand right when he was shutting his car door and started towards the store.

We finally get into the store and I start running towards where the acrylic paint is. Hook ran after me laughing. After 1 hour and a half, we finally are done. "Finally, that took forever." Hook whined.

"Shut up and unlock the car, I want food." I said. Hook just laughed and unlocked the car for me to get in. Hook helped me put all the stuff I got in the car and then got into the driver's seat while I got into the passenger seat.

I wanted to drive but I'm only 16 while Hook is 17, so I couldn't. After 10 minutes of sitting in the car singing to a bunch of songs, we finally arrived at ihop. After eating at ihop and quickly stoping at the store to get some food, we finally got home.

Hook parked the car and I quickly got out to get my stuff. I grabbed some of my stuff and ran up to my room with Hook following behind me with the rest of my stuff. I put everything on my bed and was immediately engulfed in hugs from my best friends. "Happy birthday." They all said in sync.

"Thanks guys." I said to all of them. "Now help me put my stuff away."

During the shopping trip, I got craft supplies as you already know, makeup, clothes, shoes, and a new laptop because Hook decided to use my old one near the pool in the back of the pack house and Hook being him clumsy self, tripped and fell making it go into the pool and causing it to brake, so Hook had to buy me a new one, which might I add is sooo much better than the one I had before.

1 hour later all of the stuff I got was put away and now my room is clean and organized thanks to the help of my friends who all fell in love with what I got. By the time we were done, it was 10:00 PM and Hook was complaining because he was trying to sleep but he couldn't because we were, according to him, "being too loud" which I honestly don't think we were. and besides it's only 10:00 PM so why is he even trying to sleep.

"Let's have a sleepover!" I said happily. Everyone agreed and quickly went to their rooms to get changed into pajamas. I quickly changed into my pj's so we can have the sleepover. After I got changed Hook walked in my room looking tired. He plopped on my bed and took my pillow and started cuddling it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused why Hook was doing what he was doing.


"Why can't you sleep in your room?" I asked while sitting next to him.

"Because your bed is comfier than mine." The girls walked in with a confused look on their faces.

"I'm having a sleepover, you can't be in here."


I looked at the girls then back at him. "Ugh fine, you're lucky I love you."

"Yayyy." He said while hugging me. The girls got a bunch of blankets from my closet and put them all on the floor to sleep on. I decided to just sleep on my bed with Hook.

After watching Disney movies for 5 hours we all pass out. I can't wait to see who my mate is tomorrow and I hope I don't get rejected.

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