"Nothing, nothing at all, you're obviously oh so straight." Yoongi wasn't sure what to make of this guy. He was obviously very flamboyant, and he did say that he was flirting with him, but Yoongi didn't like assumptions. All his respect for the guy was lost, however, when he decided to laugh at Yoongi's pout (again).

"Says you," He huffed out as he crossed his arms over his chest. The guy didn't seem bothered by the simple comeback as he only continued to laugh, and it was making Yoongi even madder. "Oh fuck off, I'm not gay. End of conversation."

His laughter finally started to die down and he dried a single tear that had escaped his eye; he was acting as if Yoongi not being gay was the funniest joke he'd ever heard. "May I prove you wrong, baby?" There was suddenly something darker in the guy's voice, but Yoongi couldn't decide what it was, all he knew was that it made his guts do a flip.

"What?" Yoongi watched the guyintently as he made his way out of the window, surprisingly swiftly.

Jimin didn't think about it much until he had to jump over the wet spot on Yoongi's roof - he literally threw up a minute ago - but Yoongi just had this layer of innocence over him and Jimin couldn't wait to destroy every little ounce of it. Suddenly he stood right in front of Yoongi who instinctively backed away from the window as Jimin crawled inside. "What are you doing?" Yoongi hissed.

"Proving you wrong." Jimin smiled sweetly at Yoongi, which was completely contradicting the meaning behind those words, and Yoongi gulped. Jimin made sure to sway his hips just a bit more than he'd normally do as he made his way up to Yoongi. He could see how nervous Yoongi was, but his pupils widened considerably the closer Jimin got to him.

Straight as a circle.

He watched as Yoongi backed into the wall, looking anywhere but at him. Jimin on the other hand only had eyes for Yoongi, he couldn't wait to bruise that milky skin. It had honestly been a while since he'd gotten any 'action', with the moving and all. Yoongi had to lift his head up a bit as Jimin grabbed his shirt and dived down towards his neck. "I- I don't-" Yoongi's breath hitched in his throat as Jimin's lips left a wet kiss right under his ear.

"Name's Jimin by the way." He looked deep into Yoongi's eyes before whispering in his ear. "But you can call me daddy." Jimin knew he was moving fast, but honestly, he didn't pay much mind to his thoughts right now, running completely on instincts.

Yoongi shook his head as he felt Jimin's tongue against his exposed collarbone. "N-no, stop," Yoongi said, suppressing a whimper. "Stop." His voice was much more confident and he pushed Jimin away with all the force he had in his body - because he was like a block of solid muscle, and Yoongi was definitely not that.

"Aw, come on baby, I was just getting started~" Jimin's tongue darted out to wet his lips as he took in the sight in front of him. Yoongi stood with his thighs pressed together, looking like a wobbly little deer, cheeks flushed red and hair all tangly. Jimin couldn't help but bite his lip in frustration as he adored the way Yoongi's oversized black sweater ended mid-thigh, and how Yoongi tried to pull it down further with his sweater-covered hands. He looked nothing but adorable.

"I already told you- I told you I don't like dudes." Yoongi swallowed deeply and once again tried to avoid looking right at Jimin. You know the old rule: if you can't see it, it can't see you.

"Your little friend says something else." Jimin almost laughed as Yoongi turned even redder. 

Apparently, his tactic wasn't working, so Yoongi said fuck it and looked up at Jimin again. Bad idea. Now he couldn't talk. "Shut up, it's just been- it's been- a while." He was acting like he was under interrogation or something when really he had nothing to defend himself against because he had done nothing wrong.

"Poor baby, how long, huh?" Jimin stepped closer again but Yoongi put his hand out, guts once again doing some kind of dance inside of him. "I don't see how anyone could resist you for a longer period of time, but you can tell me." Jimin gave him a reassuring smile; as if he cared.

"Uh, I... twenty-three-years." Yoongi mumbled as he looked down at the blue carpet underneath him. There was a silent moment where Jimin seemed to process the words, or maybe he tried to understand what Yoongi had said because the words were almost inaudible.

"What? How fucking old aren't you, ya' perv?" Jimin smiled again, but his smile disappeared as he slowly realised that Yoongi wasn't looking all too good, or happy. Whatever. Had he had that look on his face the whole time?

"I... I'm twenty-three." Yoongi felt very insecure under - who he assumed was - the younger's gaze that had turned just a hinge softer than before.

"Oh my god, you're a virgin."

hey ho

hope you enjoyed it

steamy times in this one wowee

but bad Jimin, steamy times always need CONSENT

okay goodbye and thank you for reading.

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