Katsuki took his seat next to you and he just stared at you. You shifted a little more by the window. "What?" You said turning your head looking at him, his face was now only 4 inches away from yours. You kept your emotionless face, trying not to blush or look away, seeming as he would win if you did so. "Why'd you let that bastard take his place next to you?" He angrily mentioned finally giving some distance as he sat up. "Why do you care?" You said. "Because I'm the only guy that will sit next to you." He placed his palm at the side of his face, cupping his cheek, resting his elbow on his leg. You rolled your eyes over him being protective for some odd reason. The trip was an hour long, and the air conditioning was on, and you were thought you were in Antarctica. You wanted to ask Uraraka if you could borrow her jacket though she was sleeping. And she was wearing her's and Asui was too. You sighed. Suddenly you heard Katsuki yell, "OI YOU PERVERTED LITTLE WIMP, GET YOUR FUCKING EYES OFF HER FIGURE!!" You turned seeing Katsuki creating small puffs of explosions out of his palms to minoru, that mini pervert. You realized what he was doing, while you were turning to ask Uraraka you had to balance on your knees and, mind you the girls had to have the girls wearing skirts, taking advantage he wanted to peek in-between the small gap of the two seats. You sat down immediately cursing beneath your breath. Katsuki glared at you "What the hell (l/n)! why'd ya do that!?" He whispered yet yelled wanting not to attract attention or wake up others that were sleeping. "I wanted to borrow a jumper from Uraraka or Asui because I'm going to die because of how cold it is." You replied. "Seriously? Geez. Your such a fucking retard (y/n). Here just take mine." He handed you his jumper, you just stared and harshly grabbed his jumper out of his hands whispering a 'thanks'. You don't. You don't. You don't like him. No you cant. Not after what you went through. You shakily exhaled holding back transparent tears that would threaten to flow. Shaking your head you wore the jumper, warmth instantly invited you into its grasp. Comfort overwhelmed you, it was baggy but you could care less, and you didn't notice that Katsuki was blushing. You were warm and thats all that mattered,  your hand fumbled in your bag taking out your sketch book to look over what you drew over the past year. Firstly you hated attention and showing off, but you had to admit you were good at art. Flipping through the book Katsuki snatched your prized possession in your arms and he looked into your book. His eyes widened and mumbled "Wow.." you decided to give up on attempting to snatch your book from his firm grasp. You peeked at him and saw him placing the mini art book, which was yours in his pocket. 'I'll get it back'. 

You all reached the destination soon enough. People questioned where they all were. Untill a voice said "YOOOOOOOOO eraser head!! you haven't contacted us in a while!" A woman with black hair spoke. Another woman with blonde hair joined in while they made a phrase then posing. "WILD WILD PUSSY CATS!!" You just stared, moving your gaze below you noticed a boy with a cap, him just gazing at everyone else. 'cute' you thought. We were told that these are the pro heroes that will be looking after us.

"We actually own this whole area! and your lodge base is at the end of that mountain." She pointed far ahead. "THATS SO FAR!" Most people yelled, I agreed though. "Right now its 9:30 am. If you make it early, then you might get there around 12." She said. "No... you gotta be kidding me..."Eijirou said. "Lets go back!" Mina shouted. "BACK TO THE BUS!! QUICK!!" Eijirou, not wanting to go through all that torture, tried running away.

"All you kitties who don't reach the lodge by 12:30 don't get any lunch!" The black haired woman whom was dressed like a cat, mind you, notified the students. Everyone was running back, including you. You hated it, 'no thanks!' you thought. "Sorry kids," A powerful force of sand pushed every single one of the students to the training grounds "But your training camp.. has already begun." Aizawa-sensei said.

"You can use you quirks all you like on private land!" The cat woman, mandalay (A/N; her name) , said. You have two hours! within that time, make it to the facility on your own two feet! and make it past the forest of devil breasts!!" She announced. (A/N : I DIDN'T CHOOSE THE FOREST'S NAME THE WRITER/ARTIST DID)  A monster like creature appeared, "A DEVIL BEAST?!" Two of the boys shouted. You sweat dropped, until you realized that the animals were made out of earth, and so you prepared yourself for battle, seconds later you plunged as you started to fight by everyone. One of the monsters was headed towards you, you dogged its attack though it scratched your arm and long black socks that reached up to your knee, blood splattered onto the rocky ground. The attack caused the jumper to get get ripped a little in the area of where your arm bled. Your anger rose as it turned to pounce on you once more. Katsuki turned his head to see how you were doing .seeing that you were bleeding his anger multiplied, he was going to help you until, you jumped while raising your right leg and slamming it against its cheek, a incredible amount of power rushed through, its body flew into the air, somehow it was sent flying with incredible speed, it slammed against a tree then it cracked as it crumbled and fell to the ground. Katsuki looked at you in utter shock. He felt something, was it excitement? or was it jealousy because you seemed so powerful in that moment?

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