I'll Love You Until I Love you Again

Start from the beginning

I would've said so much to her that time if I hadn't got a call from universe and that was when I left the class seeing lalita protectively wrapping her arms around my Radhe. I gave her one last nod and exited the class.

Universe : (ordering) Sir, it's time!

Me: (pretending ) What time?

Universe : (Sighing) Sir please don't pretend. You know this was supposed to happen.

Me : (panicked) Listen I, I d-dont know what you're talking about. Nothing is supposed to happen. I just have to tell her how much I love her and then we're supposed to be together. Yes, that's exactly what's supposed to happen. That's exactly what I'm goi-

Universe : (stern) Sir you know, if you'll do anything like this, then you're chance to be with her will decrease to zero.

Me : (furious) No! Just shut up, shut up. Radhe and I are meant to be. Never ever will my chance of being with Radhe will be zero. Never. She resides within me. You don't get to make the rules here, I do. I get to decide how much of her belongs to me and how much chance is there of our union. Only I get to do that. Understood!

Universe : (scared) I'm s-sorry sir, I didn't mean it like that. Y-you both are meant to be, I know that sir. I'm very sorry but I just had to tell you. Sir it was predecided that once she gets to know about you, you would have to leave. Sir, please don't make it difficult. If you leave now, you'll just have to leave for a few years but If you stay now, then you would have to leave in future that too for double the amount of time. Sir please do it. I also want your happiness and that's why I want you to stay away from the love of your life for as less time as possible. Please.

Me: (angry but scared) This is unfair. I want to be with her. How can I leave her like this?I - I must tell her first, yes, I'll tell her that I've to go for a few years but this time I'll be back. Yes I will tel-

Universe : (sighing sadly) Sir you know you can't do that.

Me: (pained) Just l-let me tell her how much I love her. Just one last talk.

Universe: Sorry sir!

Me: (devastated) ok. J-just l-let me see her one last time. The day I leave, I - I want to see her. I just want to remember her face. That's it.

Universe : (sigh) Ok sir.

"Krishna" a broken voice brought me back to reality. I gasped when I saw the awful sight in from of me. My Radhe was sitting lifelessly on the floor holding herself up just by a table. She needed to lose herself. She needed to lose her consciousness. She needed to sleep for me to go near her.

"K-kri-shna, where are you?Wh-where am I supposed to search for you? Will you ev-ever be m-mine? Will I ever b-be happy? W-will I ever not be Unloved?" Her cracked voice continued ripping my heart into shreds and I decided that it was enough. I had to, I had to see her one last time and tell her, at least give her some hint. I have never been one to follow the rules but this time it's because of Radhe that I'm following them and only because of her I want to break them.

I decided that I had to do something.

I wiped my face to get rid of the tears and concentrated so that my heart beat could connect to Radhe's. But her whimpers and small cries continued distracting me, breaking my heart, not having enough strength to concentrate.

Her voice got lowered and I figured that it was time. With all the willpower in me, I walked quietly to her and sat a few feet behind her.

Her hand began slipping from the table and she fell back.
I immediately gathered her up in my arms and gazed at her face, at her tear stained face, red little nose, dried lips and broken heart.

"K-k-rish-" she whispered lightly not having enough consciousness to say even my name. I embraced her tightly, lightly wiping the tears from her cheeks. I rested my forehead on hers and transferred every bit of energy I had.

She had to move on, at least for a few years and for that she needed energy. Seeing her in such a broken state, I died a little inside. A tear rolled down my eyes and dropped on her cheek giving her a bit more of a consciousness. And I decided that this was it, I had to say something, something that she'd rely on and still move on without forgetting our love.

"R-Radhe" I whipered in her ear and a tear left her eye.

"Radhe" I whispered a bit more firmer "Radhe, listen to me."

Radhika's POV :

"R-radhe " a voice, unmistakably his, said and air made its way to my lungs while tear rolled down my eyes.

"Radhe" he said again and I tried to open my eyes.

"Radhe, listen to me" he said and my eyes fluttered open seeing a blurry yet prominent figure who was undoubtedly my Dk.

"Radhe, I'm doing this for us" he said but his face crumpled and voice wavered. "D-don't forget me again ok?" He asked and I tried to respond but only a whimper escaped my lips.

His grip on me began to lose and I panicked. He just shook his head and continuously caressed me. He tried to get up again but a cry left my lips and he stilled.

"p-please" I tried to get out my voice but nothing came but he understood it anyway.

"Listen to me" his voice lowered as if whispering a secret, something forbidden.

"I'll love you until I love you again" he said and I tried to hold him tightly. A faint smile made its way to his face as he mouthed "I love you Radhe" and my grip immediately left him a little. But his smile didn't waver.

Because my loosened grip on him had answered "I love you too".

I was letting him go because I knew he'll be back.

But I couldn't guarantee to remember this promise.

Jai Sri Radhekrishna <3

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