Heartbreak and Revelations

Start from the beginning

"Easy for you to say, you don't have a family!" He roars in anger. Maya's mouth opens in shock. I see some tears begin to form in her eyes. Lucas realizes what he just said and instantly looks guilty. "Maya, I'm-"

"Save it." Maya snarls. She runs into the bathroom and slams the door.

Lucas groans and puts his head in his hand. He collapses on the couch. "I didn't mean to say that! I was just so angry at losing my family that I took it out on her! And you too, Farkle. I'm sorry."

Farkle's mouth drops open. One, Lucas had called him by his real name and two, he had apologized. Farkle slowly makes his way to the couch and sits next to Lucas, making sure to keep their bodies separated. "Go." Farkle mouths to me, nodding his head at the bathroom door.

I obey Farkle and gently knock on the door. "Maya?" I say softly. I hear a muffled, tearful "Go away." My heart breaks at the sound. How could Lucas ever hurt her like that? She may not be perfect, but she was perfect to me. I hear more sobs.

"Maya, please let me in." I beg. She doesn't respond. Drastic times call for drastic measures. "Maya, if you don't open this door, I am going to break it down." I count down from three and throw myself at the door. At the same time, Maya had opened the door and I ended up flying into her.

We crash onto the floor, both groaning in pain. I rub my elbow, which took most of the impact. "I'm glad you opened the door but the timing could have been better." I grumble. "Sorry." Maya sniffed.

"Everything okay over there?" Farkle asks, hearing the crash. "We're fine!" I shout back, letting him know.

I sit up and finally get to see her face to face. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. She still had a couple tears treading down her face. I hate seeing her like this, she should never be in pain. Not knowing what to say, I decided that actions speak louder than words. I pulled her into a hug, rubbing small circles on her back. I had never seen this side of Maya before. She looked broken. I feel a couple of her tears on my shoulder but I ignore them. We stay in this position for a while, just letting Maya cry. I hear a soft knock on the door. Maya and I look up to find Lucas. He had sorrow in his eyes, seeing Maya look so vulnerable.

"Maya? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Lucas asks. Maya slowly nods and detaches herself from me. I miss her warmth already. I walk out of the bathroom and sit next to Farkle.

"Hey. How did it go?" Farkle asks. "Fine. We didn't really talk. I just held her." I state. Farkle looks over at the bathroom door and gets a frown on his face.

"What?" I start to turn around but Farkle quickly stops me.

"No, don't!" Farkle says.

"What? Is Lucas hurting Maya again, because if he is I swear I will-" I stop. The only thing Lucas was doing right now is hurting me. They were kissing. I feel my heart break. I thought, just maybe for once she would notice me. Maybe for once we could've actually had something. I sigh. Farkle was also looking at the make out session. His expression was the same as mine, heartbroken and defeat. Wait a minute, Farkle liked one of them!

"Which one?" I ask.

"Huh?" Farkle tries to play dumb. "Fine, Lucas." He admits. So that's why he always let's Lucas beat him up! Not because he thinks fighting is juvenile, he just doesn't want to hurt his crush! It also explains why he rushed right in to save Lucas from the zombies. I knew I would do the same thing for Maya in a heartbeat. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" I'm slightly offended. Farkle couldn't trust me?

"I just..." Farkle trails off, looking at Lucas and Maya's lip lock once again. I can't bring myself to look at it anymore. I don't know how he can.

Looks like we're both in the same situation. "Well aren't we just a bunch of pathetic, lovesick losers." I spit out bitterly. "Who could love someone like us?"

Farkle doesn't agree, but he doesn't disagree either. He puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. We'll get through this, together. That's how it has always been. Farkle and I against the world.


"We are going back to NYC!" Cory was currently arguing with Topanga.

"Cory, we can't! I'm also worried about Riley but going back to the city would be a death wish! And what about Auggie!?" Topanga argues back.

"He can stay here with your mom!" Cory says.

Auggie was looking wide eyed at his parents. He had never seen them fight before. "Grandma? Is Riley going to be okay?" He asks innocently, with a slight quiver in his lip. He didn't want his sister to die, he loves her. His grandma couldn't bring herself to say no. Instead, she gathers Auggie in her arms, puts him on her lap, and just holds him tightly.

"We can't just leave Auggie here!" Topanga says. "What if we go back and we get turned into zombies!? We can't just have Auggie and Riley be parentless!"

"Well we can't be daughterless either!" Cory fires back. "Topanga, I'm going back to NYC either with or without you!"

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