Chapter 11: Love Obstacles

Start from the beginning

I strode out the door and had one last fleeting look at Clarke before I shut the door and stood with my back against the wall opposite the room. How my heart warmed to see this beautiful girl who'd stolen my heart alive and well. My mind begun to drift with the endless possibilities that lay ahead of us once she agreed to accompany me to Ton DC.

She'd learn what it took to lead my people, to understand their culture and history. I'd teach her the language and anything else she'd want to know or would find useful. We'd go hunting and enjoy nature together by day and spend our nights in each others arms in carnal bliss.

It seemed like an eternity before her mother reappeared from Clarke's room and hastily shutting the door behind her. She stood in front of the door as she motioned to a few guards who resolutely took their place on either side of the doorway, weapons at the ready.

I crossed the corridor with the intention of retaking my place by Clarke's side once more when the two guards stepped in front of me and in doing so prevented me from entering her room.

"Stand aside," I said in a calm, yet authoritative manner. The two guards did not acknowledge me in any way.

"My daughter is sleeping and it's best if you left her alone," came the voice of her mother from behind me.

I whirled around, confused and a little angry at this new development,

"When she slumbered before I was at her side, what now has changed?"

I watched as Clarke's mother stepped toward me menacingly,

"The difference now is that I don't want you around my daughter anymore. You were a necessary evil in order to get my people back and your poisonous influence has made my daughter do things she never would have done so I'm going to do what any parent would do in this situation...protect my child."

Despite my schooled stoic features, I was seething with rage inside. How dare she sling such accusations and besmirch my name? How dare she dictate what is right for her daughter off some misguided attempt at family and parental obligation? I stepped right into her face now, glad that my height didn't place me at a disadvantage,

"Clarke has developed into a woman who makes her own choices and a leader who everyone would do best to follow." I let some of my anger seep into my features now,

"I asked her to come with me so the choice is hers. If she feels the same for me as I do for her then she'll be by my side leading with me and there will be nothing you or anyone can do to stop it and stop us from being together."

I watched her process this, not stepping back and certainly not giving her an inch physically or metaphorically. I was responding to her unsaid challenge the only way I knew how and that was by not backing down. I didn't rise to be the leader of my people by giving in or up. I led them with strength by putting my best foot forward and never running from a fight.

She seemed rather unfazed by my vehement rebuttal,

"In the next 5 minutes I want you gone and out of Camp Jaha for good. I never want to see you again and you are to stay away from Clarke for good. You and your people that are here can leave under your own power or you can be forcibly removed the choice is yours."

I looked left and then right and saw that our heated exchange had brought an audience with it. Along with that was an increased security presence and I had no doubt that her words were not all bark. The threat was all too real.

I knew that this was not over by any stretch of the imagination, but I was not going to win any friends or favours in a situation that I was outnumbered and out gunned in. I had one last thing to say however,

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