Clara Lille x Male Reader - Fan Boy

Start from the beginning

"He is sure special according to you. He seems to have a connection with BadBoy17, now I find that special." You smirked at Defalt beside you.

"I guess someone has a fan crush on the female hacker, but I guess you better get going to the rooftop I'll join you up there later." Defalt teased you for a bit making you blush on the ear.

"What can I say she's a hard to get person, I find that interesting in a woman. When I wait on the rooftop don't ever ditch me like you did when we were kids." You elbowed him lightly.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be sure to see you there too and (Y/n) you better make a move on her or else Aiden's gonna be the one." Defalt told you and went towards to the rooftop.

After a minute waiting for Defalt, he ran grabbing your arm to his car and drove off immediately. You looked behind, seeing Aiden out off breath and went the other way to get a vehicle to catch up with the two of you.

"Shit Defalt! What did you do man?! He's closing on us. You better step on that gas like right now." You yelled.

As soon as you said that, the tires burst knowing that Aiden had aimed on it directly on the tires. You cursed and the car flipped and turned. That was the last time you saw Defalt in the car accident.

~At the bunker~

You groaned and opened your eyes in an unfamiliar place, you sat up slowly due to your dizziness and look to your surrounding. It was a large storage that was turned into some sort of a bunker, as you are taking in your surrounding you were startled by a female voice at a lower level.

"So, you're awake? You were in an accident before when Aiden brought you here and your left arm was casted at the hospital earlier." She lead herself into the light, you are shocked that it was Clara.

"Yeah. Where am I?" You asked as you went down the stairs and mad your way next to her.

"Welcome to the bunker. This place has been at least belong to the Blume, but then they kinda left this place in ruin after they settle somewhere else." Clara told you.

"So this is the place where the CtOS was first made, huh? Good thing that this place isn't on the digital map." You look at Clara, as she looked at you curiously.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" She asked which made you chuckled.

"Well, I'm an underground hacker for hire under the name GhostTrack380. To some, they knew who I was but it was there choice to know. I usually don't leave any digital footprint unattended, just like yours and Aiden. Both of you, have some serious business that needs to be cleared off." You informed Clara nonchalantly.

"Wait, you are the GhostTrack380?" She sounded surprise.

"Yeah, why?" You raise an eyebrow and smirked at her.

"I though GhostTrack380 was just a hacker myth people talk about. I was a big fan of myths to be honest, especially yours. You are the one who inspired me to be a hacker." Clara was mindblown as she saw you standing right beside her.

"Well... Some things are meant to be myths, especially when you are well hidden to the cruel world and glad to hear it from a fan of mine, not to mention you are quite a... How can I describe you in one word... Perceptible person in real life. But not to mention you are one of a kind Clara, that's what I like about you and which makes me your fan too." You smiled at Clara, noticing her cheeks are slightly tinted pink.

"T-thanks I guess." She stuttered for a second and averted her eyes from yours to the desktop in front of both of you.

"No problem." You told her, and heard the bunker door slide open.

"I see your up, (Y/n). How's your left arm? Sorry about the accident earlier, I wasn't expecting you to be involved with Defalt in any way." Aiden walked down the stairs and towards you.

"It still hurts, but I guess I'll recover from it soon. Well, I got to say Defalt was one of my few circle of so-called friends as a hacker." You rubbed the back of your neck and sighed.

"Good to know. So your a hacker, huh? Intrested in joining the team? I know I sounded desperate there, but I could use another helping hand here." Aiden asked you.

"Yeah, I am and I'm up for anything, it's up to the person who hire's me is able to pay me at the end of the job I've done for them." You curiously looked at Aiden, for a moment he was silent.

"Just like someone I know, but anyways, your hired by me now. While I'm out on the streets of Chicago, both you and Clara will be helping me from the bunker, got it?" Aiden instructed you.

"Got it. Oh, and by the way, Aiden is it? Your fly is open ever since you came in to the bunker." You honestly told Aiden, which made both Clara's and Aiden's face became beet red.

From then on, the three of you are on a manhunt for the mysterious missing person by the name Raymond Kenney and you knew this journey will be quite a ride for you.

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