Chapter 3: The Steroid Rock Bodies

Start from the beginning

I shoot him a thumbs up.

"Good job brother, Switzerland has done you good." I say smiling.

"Sure has." He laughs, "How's soccer been going?"


"Alright guys, continue talking later. I have news." Dad jumps into the conversation.

"I don't want an evil stepmother." Parker shouts shaking his head desperately, jumping onto conclusions.

Parker is kind of still in the fairy tale phase of his life. He's 5 years old, so cut him some slack.

I laugh at his innocence, that was adorable.

"Neither do I." Luke says imitating Parker adding on a pout to look childish

"Parker, Luke, no need to worry about any evil stepmother. The news is that there will be a guest joining us for 5 weeks day after tomorrow onwards. His or her parents have to go on an official trip so he or she will be living with us." Dad says, purposely not telling us the gender of the person either to make it more mysterious and secretive and harder for us to guess.

"Do we know him or her?" I ask.


"Who is it?"

"You'll find out."

"What? Why can't you tell us already?"

"Because it's more fun this way." He grins cheekily, my dad can be such a kid.

"No it's not!" I whine, "Back me up boys."

"Daddy please tell us. We want to know." Parker insists.

"I won't tell you." Dad sings.

"Is it a Secret Agent whose identity we aren't supposed to be told? Wait, we know a Secret Agent?" Luke says idiotically, I don't even know how he managed to do well in Switzerland he's too immature for that. "Are we related?" He continues his inquiry, dad leaves him unanswered.

"Who could it be?" I join Luke hoping dad would get tired of us and tell us who it is. Good Plan.

"Mack got any ideas?" Luke asks me.

"I'm not very sure, let's run down the list of the relatives we know. First comes Gramps and Gran. What do you think?" I say.

"Gramps and Gran. You know they would make good secret agents, they would be the last people to expect to be secret agents. Gran can scare the hell out of you..." Luke says thoughtfully.

"... And her cooking can be fatal." I add.

"Except her cookies and brownies. They are awesome." Parker corrects me and we nod in agreement.

Gran can't cook. That's that. She can't cook at all. Her cooking can be fatal and I mean that. She burns the food, her combinations are worse than pathetic, and sometimes she even ends up having a fire in the kitchen. Now isn't that fatal?

The weird thing about her cooking is that she is horrible at it, but her cookies and brownies are just the best. They really are, the best I've ever tasted. I know, it's shocking. Can't believe it? Been there. When we first tasted them, we didn't believe it either. We persuaded her into making them in front us to be sure. Of course we didn't tell her why (she would have ripped our heads off). Turns out she really can bake.

"Yes, that too. As for Gramps, he can manipulate you into doing things you don't even want to..." Luke continues.

"... They both together can turn your ears into zombie ears by excessive talking, bickering, suggestions, and lame jokes." I finish again for him.

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