He looked at me with a masked expression, obviously hiding his anger.

"What do you mean?"

Oh, playing dumb, like that's going to work, pfffft.

"Ajay, seriously I know you're lying,when you hurt Meera, you hurt me."

Yeah sure, 'you hurt me', so that's why you spent like 5 minutes talking and laughing with him and then just now realising. Yep, I believe you Sam.

"Samantha, ok I admit I might of been of  been a bit cold to her at the proposal and a little bit afterwards but now I really like her, I even took her to a party where she felt nice and welcomed."


"Is this true, did he take you to a party?"

"Look, I've even got pictures."

He gets his phone out and shows her, while she snatches it off him and looks at it then shows me. It's me, with those snobby women and my mouth open looking like I'm chatting when I was doing what ever I was doing. Was I  answering back to them, yeah!, I was. He clicked the picture at the wrong time it looks like I'm answering intently in the conversation. No!, No!, No! My sister believes what she sees. Not what she hears.

" you do look like you were having a good conversation, you only open your mouth that wide when you're really interested in a conversation."

Oh god! No! She is right but not in that situation. She is doubtful now. Ugh! How can she doubt me? Does she believe me or HIM?

"Sam are you doubting me?!"

"Ajay, I've known him for more than you have and I believe he isn't like what you said. Yes he can be a little cold but he never is mean to woman. Look, he even admitted that he was a bit cold to you but now he likes you and took you out to a party, how nice."

I feel complete rage and probably have steam blowing out of my ears right now! She believes him and a photo over her own blood sister! I'm so broken right now!

"Meera, what have you been telling your sister, I know this was an arranged marriage and you may not like me but I have been trying to make an effort. I'm terribly hurt that you would say I'm mean to you especially behind my back."

What!, you expect me to tell you directly that I you're a horrible person. And excuse me!, I am the one making the effort here! I should just give him a divor-, no! Divorce is no, that's what he wants. Don't give him what he wants, Meera, don't risk it.

"Meera, I  know that you never liked the idea of an arranged marriage but it doesn't mean over reacting or making up things afterwards even when Ajay has warmed up to you now. I don't mean to hurt you but-"


I yell and I'm breathing heavily as well as my hands are in fists. Well done sis, amazing, believe someone else but not your own family. Great! How dumb are you and I'm younger than you and I'm not even that stupid.

"Meera I didn't mean it as a doub-"

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?, GO! You believe your 'best' friend right? Not your DEAR baby sister, I've had it, please just go."

"Why are you yelling, your sister didn't do anything, why so harsh? Sh-"

"Shut up!, stop!, she is defending you over me don't you get it? Ugh...  Just please ask your 'bestie' to leave."

There are hot tears streaming down my face and they're not stopping, no matter how much I wipe them away. I see that my sister has tears of her own.

"Meera, I think we shouldn't talk for a while."

Her voice is hard as stone. Also she doesn't call me Meera, ever only 'little sis'. She is angry as well.

" I think so too........, Samantha."

"Very well then, Ajay see you soon and sorry for this she isn't normally like this or neither am I."

She turns around and swiftly makes  her way out and slams the door. How dare she!!!

Mr Krishnan looks back at me with a strained look on his face then it slowly turns into a smirk. That stupid smirk.

"Seems like she likes me more than you. Indeed shocking isn't it. I must say you messed up real bad. You two have a very unique sister bond. I actually do feel bad but it's not my matter to interfere in."


I turn around to go when I'm pulled back by his hand latched on to my wrist. Always the wrist isn't it? I'm right up against his body his warm breath on my face his other hand on my waist. I try to free myself but he just pulls me back.

"My dear WIFE, where are you off to in such a hurry?, I'm not done with you yet. It also seems that you've been talking about me behind my back. That's not very nice of you as my wife is it? Well?"

Where is this heading? Goodness sake...

"Your just like those other women who talk about others behind their backs and backstab them. Just like how they are talking about you behind your back. Ruining your reputation as a woman. How could I have not known that you're like them gossiping idiots?"

I've stopped crying a while back, I expected tears to come out but none do. I pull extra hard and he lets go and I end up falling on my butt. Ow! First my wrist then my butt, what next?!

"Go and clean up that disgusting tea of yours, no wonder she didn't drink any of it. I barely managed to keep it in my mouth but for courtesy of a guest I had to unfortunately."

I immediately get up and look at the cups of tea. My one has only a little,tiny bit left, his cup has half of it left. He's right she didn't even take a sip of my tea. Whenever I make it at home she is the first one to taste it.  What happened?

I gather the cups and throw out the tea and wash the cups out. After drying my hands I go back to the sitting room grab my phone and sit on the couch.

I stare at my phone before typing the password and opening the photos app. Pictures of me and my sister. Why now?

I can't believe this happened. Fate wants me suffer, haven't I suffered enough?!

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