06: "Secretly acquainted"

Start from the beginning

And there they stood, the Sand Snakes, yet only four of the eight were present in a small line they had created.

Instead of focusing on the lack thereof, I payed attention to the girls in front of me. My gaze moved along the line of the three Sand Snakes, the first could not be more than five years younger than I. She was a understated beauty; her hair was not blonde nor her eyes green like a Lannister but she radiated a look of simplicity. Perhaps it was the way her olive skin glowed or the way her eyes lit up at the sight of her Father that made me feel at ease in her presence. Her long lashes framed her eyes and her plump lips smiled softly, she wore her long black hair in a single braid which matched the naturalness of her beauty. The next girl looked much like her older sister although her hair was styled more intricately, the same goes for her style of dressing. Her embroidered gown being the opposite of the elder sister's trousers and tunic. Then the next girl, she looked awfully familiar. Her golden dress covered in small suns sent a pang of recognition through my body and It wasn't until I looked into the blue eyes that were a near replica of her Father's did it click inside my brain of who she was, Dorea. The last Sand Snake stood fiddling with her small fingers, she was by far the youngest of the four and similarly shared her sisters features.

I didn't know what to expect from Oberyn's girls but the child I'd thought a servant took me by surprise. Although her playfulness at the time should have been a hint at her parentage.

Almost immediately Dorea came running in my direction, wrapping her delicate arms around my waist. She stared up at me with the same innocents as before and snuggled her cheek into my stomach.

"Dorea, it's lovely to see you again." I smiled, my voice making her head raise up and rest her chin on my midsection.

"Kendra, I knew you were the princess."

"And to think I had you fooled," I laughed stroking her messy hair away from her face. She loosened her surprisingly tight grip on me and I fell to my knees to be level with the Sand Snake. "You didn't get into too much trouble I hope?"

She sends me a toothy grin, "Me? Never."

"I suppose you were just playing games." I smiled and teared my eyes away from her form to find Oberyn gazing at us curiously.

When he noticed me looking in his direction the corners of his lips turn up into a smile, muttering about his Dorea already betraying him.

"Well are you secretly acquainted with all my children or do you need introductions?" I shake my head in response, both Dorea and I laughing at Oberyn's raised eyebrow and smirk.

Oberyn moves himself to stand behind the tallest Sand Snake. "Elia," he named the girl kissing her cheek before moving along the small line. "Obella," he nodded towards the middle child. "And my youngest Loreza."

The Sand Snake stood timidly in front of her father, reaching her small hands back to grab Oberyn's trouser legs. He bent down whispering unknown words into her ear and she immediately cheered up. Loreza looked sickly sweet with wispy black hair, bright eyes and olive tanned skin.

"Now girls, I believe the chef has prepared some pastries for you."

At his words the two youngest Sand Snakes raced into the adjacent chamber, Elia and Obella following behind them to sit at the table adorned with various cakes, biscuits and teas.

Oberyn joined my side, resting his hand on the small of my back as we walked towards the girls. His hand discreetly lowered to cup my arse cheek, smirking when I yelped in surprise and smacked his hand away. I made my own way to the table with a flushed face and small smile.

Oberyn's face showcased a wide grin as he sat himself between me and Loreza, the young girl ignoring her place and moving to settle herself on her father's lap. I smile at the sight, gazing at the Sand Snake with longing. My craving for a child of my own was not a new desire, well known by Oberyn and my family.

"So, how do you like the capitol?" I asked.

"It isn't as nice as Dorne," Elia spoke first. "It isn't anywhere near as hot and the Blackwater Rush is freezing-"

"You swam in the river?" Oberyn spoke, intrigued by his daughters activities around King's Landing.

"Yes." She giggled, raising her fork of strawberry pie to her mouth.

"What am I to do with you, Elia Sand." Oberyn sighed. He was clearly joking, a brazen smile gracing his lips.

We talked for what seemed like hours, Oberyn and I keeping the conversation alive with giggles and stories of Dorne from Elia and Obella.

Elia spoke of her passion for horse riding and weaponry, not a surprise for the offspring of a Dornish warrior. Obella told stories of her adventures in the Water Gardens, whilst Dorea and Loreza's mouths were too full of food to even attempt conversation they looked at their sisters in amazement. It was easy to see the two youngest Sand Snakes worshipped their older siblings.

"Father?" Loreza interrupted Obella's description of the bay at Sunspear, she turned herself around in Oberyn's lap, licking the last of the lemon cake off her fingers before speaking. "Is Princess Kendra to be our new mama?"

I wasn't sure who was more shocked by Loreza's question, Oberyn or I. Whilst my heart filled with acceptance and love I didn't know if Oberyn felt the same rush of emotions. We had connected over the past days but whether or not he was ready to immerse me into his life was another question.

Before he had the chance to reply a womanly chuckle filled the room, "Loreza my little snake, why would you ask such a question?"

My body felt frozen at the sight of the exotic woman leaning against the doorway, her short curly hair bounced around her shoulders like black waves in a rough sea. She held her head high as she sauntered further into the room, I had never seen a woman look so determined as her eyes scanned Oberyn's close proximity to me. I too found myself analysing the woman's beauty gazing far too long for it to go unnoticed, the look of triumph on her face twisted a ball of jealousy in the pit of my stomach.

This was Ellaria Sand, beloved paramour of Oberyn Martell and mother to the four children whom had wiggled their way into my heart in a matter of hours.

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