"What like?"

"Being back."

"I don't know. It's really strange. I also broke up a perfect good relationship…"

"But Mitch liked you so much more. You have to realize that. Luna was just a distraction. And now that you're here… Mitch was so depressed with you gone. He video-chatted me one time saying that he was going to commit suicide. I told him not to, of course."


"Yeah. Intense huh?"

I nodded, glancing at my heels. Another car pulled up into a spot in the lot. It wasn't Mitch, though. A boy with spiky black hair and silver eyes, wearing a flaming red tux, helped Avery, who was wearing a matching red short-short dress out of his car. From the back seat a boy with red hair and crystal blue eyes, wearing a black suit and red tie, opened the door for a girl with long black hair and tan skin. I couldn't see her face from a long distance, but Adam did.

"Is that Luna?" he asked me.


"What is she doing with him? And who is that?"

"Well the other girl is Avery. But I don't know either of the guys."

Both couples walked to the entrance of the restaurant. Avery spotted me and let go of her date's arm to shake my hand.

"Demi! Good to see you again! Is this your date? I noticed you talking to him this morning," Avery questioned.

"Uh…" I glanced over at Adam, "No. I already have a boyfriend. And my name's not Demi. It's Ray."

Luna overheard this and recognized me. She met up with Avery, "I got with another guy who is actually loyal, unlike Mitch." The guy with the red hair smiled and walked up to Luna. They kissed.

"I'm Bobby," the boy introduced himself in a British accent.

"He's from Liverpool. In England."

Avery interrupted Luna, "That's Draco Kehtarin, my boyfriend. He said that the food here was spectacular."

"It is," Adam replied, "That's why we're all here."

"Everyone?" Luna asked. Adam nodded, although I did not prefer him to. I remained quiet.

"Does Blake Shard happen to be here?" Draco queried.

"Yes… why?" Adam told him.

"No reason. Avery, let's go inside."

"Okay!" Avery perked up and returned to Draco, "Bye Ray!" Luna and Bobby entered after them, Luna glaring behind herself at me. I cringed.

"I don't know if Mitch is coming," Adam told me, "I think we should join the others."

"No," I replied, "You can go, but I'm staying."

"Alright." Right when Adam reached the door, a car pulled up. Mitch, in a black tux, got out. A girl with blond hair and purple eyes, wearing an expensive white frilly dress, exited the other side. My eyes opened wide.

"Sorry," he said, meeting up with me, "Ashley said that her car was broken down and needed to see someone here. She mentioned that Kae is her sister. So, I drove her here. Ray, it means nothing."

"Sure," I sarcastically groaned, "You're late. We're all waiting." I glanced back to see Adam, who had not yet gone inside.

"Sorry. Again."

I rolled my eyes, grinned at Mitch, and ignored Ashley, "It's fine." Adam then crept into the restaurant, followed by Mitch, Ashley, and I. She tiptoed over to Kae and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Kae!" My new friend looked behind at her sister, and almost fell over in her chair.

"Ashley! What are you doing here?" Kae questioned.

"Visiting you. Who's your date?" Kae pointed to Seto. He nervously smiled, "Oh. He's cute."

"Ashley, don't you dare…"

"No, I… promise…" Ashley smirked. I noticed her index and middle finger crossed behind her back. Glaring back up at their faces, Mitch led me to our seats at the end of the long and never-ending table. We sat down. I happened to be next to Megan.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi," she replied.

"How do you like Washington?"

"It's nice. Everyone else is nice too," she leaned in closer to me, "Except Allison. She's very suspicious."

"I agree."

"Are you a singer?"

"Me? I suppose. I act better though. Do you sing?"

"Sorta. I've been in choir and that stuff."

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. I want to get to know you better. You seem really nice."

"Well thanks. Since I only know most of the guys and Carter, it would be good to add someone else to my list of friends." Megan smiled.

Dinner came and went smoothly. After the group ate, we chatted amongst each other. Megan and I bonded a bit more. Brooke, who sat next to her, joined in with us. Carter eventually spoke up in front of the whole group and held up her glass of wine.

"I am thankful that we are all here today. Without Minecraft or Youtube, we would have never each other.  We're thankfully not in a prison cell, not in a hospital, and not dead…" She glared at me while saying this, "And I want to thank Mitch for hosting. It means a lot."

"Thank you Carter," Mitch responded and stood himself, "I…"

Another guy, wearing a black tux, run inside the restaurant and took the seat next to Adam on the other side of the table.

"Hello Quentin," Mitch continued, "It's nice to see you."

"Yeah," Quentin replied, "My plane got delayed a few hours. I had no idea… So I drove to your place and then it said that you were here…"

"We'll talk later?"


Mitch glanced up from Quentin and looked around the table, "As I was saying, I agree with Carter. Minecraft and Youtube have brought us together, and that is why we are all friends. Budder forever!"

"Budder forever!" Adam yelled across the table. It sounded loud even to me. I could only image what Quentin was feeling.

Living on a Few Wishes //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now