
Sarah and Nadine finally arrived.

"The party is here!" Sarah cheered as she walked through the door.

"It isn't a party Sarah! None of that for 3 months okay!" Nadine giggled behind her.

"Ahh you two are 5 minutes late!" I tutted.

"But we were supposed to be here at 6?" Nadine questioned

"Yeah but we knew you would be half and hour late...not an extra 5 on top. Sarah you're slipping! And influencing Nadine." Kimberley giggled.

"Cheeky cow." Sarah huffed.

"It's a good job these two kept the food in the oven to keep it warm." Nicola joined

"Well, lets get it out and eat then!" Sarah laughed

Kimberley served the food while we all sat around the table having general chatter. Her smile gave me warm fuzzy feelings deep inside, her smile could light  up a whole room, and it was. I loved seeing her smile, knowing she was happy made me happy. That's all I ever wanted, is for Kimberley to be happy. She deserves it..

Kimberley's POV:

I served everyone some dinner to the girls while they exchanged general chit chat. I could feel Cheryl's eyes on me, I looked over to her to see her smiling contently at me. What a cutie. I leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss then stared directly into her eyes. Her gorgeous, chocolate brown orbs staring back into mine. It's as if in that moment, I saw my future flash in front of me. It was actually perfect. From that moment on, I knew, that whatever struggles ever came our way, we would overcome them. Together. No other way.

I sat down next to Cheryl and joined in the conversation with the girls.

"I can't believe that the twins come in 3 months! It's come along so fast!" Nadine beamed. We'd already asked if the 3 girls could be godmothers and they happily said yes.

"Get to meet our two little goddaughters" Nicola smiled

"So excited, I'm gonna teach the some much!" Sarah added

"No you're fucking not." Me and Cheryl said at the same time, causing Nadine and Nicola to laugh at us.

"And why not?"

"Because, Sarah, you will teach them how to go hardcore clubbing, and stumble back home pissed out their skulls at 4am." Cheryl said

"You have no faith in me."

"Nah we just know what you're like." I said

"Okay but I will teach them, just not that. There happy?"

"Yeah thanks" Cheryl laughed

"Have you decided what you're gonna name them yet?" Nicola asked

"Actually me and Cheryl decided earlier on didn't we." I smiled while placing my and on Cheryl's thigh. She put her hand on top of mine and rubbed the back of my hand softly.

"Oh tell us please!" Nadine cheered

"Okay, we've decided on Elise and.."

My cue to say the next name

"Calliegh." I smiled softly

"Oh my God!!! They're like so cute aw!!" Nicola came over and hugged us both.

"That's so adorable!" Nadine joined in the hug.

"There's me thinking my future kids would have the cutest names of all." Sarah smiled and joined the hug while we all laughed. We stayed in the group hug for about 1 minute before we broke apart.

"Babe do you actually think about children?" Nadine asked Sarah

"Yep...and how perfect it would be to have them with you. Our own little family."

"Aw who knew, Sarah has a cute side." Cheryl laughed while wrapping and arm around my waist and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"We need a group photo guys!" Nicola shouted

We all set our phones against something and put timers on so we could take the photo.

I stood next to Cheryl and put one hand on her bump and another around her back. Nadine stood next to Cheryl and Sarah, them two wrapping their arms around each other and Nicola stood on the end with Sarah while putting her arm around her back. The flashes of our phones went off and we all separated and looked at the picture. All of us smiling widely at the camera, looking so happily.

"Aw I have to put that on Twitter and Instagram cause...well cause aw that's like one of the cutest group photos we've ever had." Nicola sweetly said

We all agreed and all put it on twitter

"@KimberleyJWalsh: My faves."

"@CherylCole: I love my girlies."

"@NadineCoyleNow: Dinner with the girls."

"@SarahNHarding: Night with my faves."

"@NicolaRoberts: Love spending time with the girls."

We all said how cute we find each others captions. Clearly the fans did too, a lot of them tweeted "SARDINE" as well as Chim and said about Cheryl's bump. Me and Cheryl received a tweet from one fan asking about the sexy of the babies and what we're gonna call them

"@KimberleyJWalsh: @ChimAllTheWay we are revealing nothing! Haha sorry x "

"You two need to change your Twitter names." Sarah suddenly said while pointing at me and Cheryl

"She's right." Nicola added

"What to?" I asked

"CherylTweedyWalsh and KimberleyTweedyWalsh " Nadine suggested

"Kimba's is too long." Cheryl said

"Ok well KimberleyTWalsh, everyone will know that the T is right?" Nicola said

"Let's so do it"  I smiled to Cheryl

5 minutes later and we had done it.



We all laughed so much at the responses we were getting from the fans.

"They crack me up!" Nadine laughed

"Remember when they got #CherylsCamelToe trending?" Nicola giggled

"I will never forgive you for that" Cheryl glared

"You will one day"

"I'm still waiting for you and Kimberley to get a coke bottle with my name on!" Cheryl pouted

"I'll get you one tomorrow then babe." I kissed her on the temple

"Good!" she crossed her arms the best she could like a little kid

"Ah Cheryl you do make me laugh. I think the babies are gonna be more grown up than you." Sarah cackled, resulting to having a pillow launched at her.


By 9pm we were all in fits of giggles even though we were saying by to the girls. I'd had a really good day and I was so happy things were back to the way they were. The only way up from now was up. I was gonna give Cheryl the life full of happiness she deserved, no going back on the promise. Ever.

(FINISHED)Chim - Stop Crying Your Heart Out OfWhere stories live. Discover now