Delphic. (mystery a.u-onedirection)

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Delphic: oracular; obscure; ambiguous.

Whoever that person is, was delphic.



Note: This story is completely different from any other one direction a.u. you have read, I promise you. The reason why I put mystery a.u. is because you don't know who the boy is. Meaning, it could be Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis, or Liam. Each boy is in this book, but you will not know when the person is in the book.

The only way you can tell it's Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis, or Liam is by reading carefully and paying close attention to the hints. Some of you like the mystery, others not so much.

If you like mystery and not being able to find out things you want, this book is perfect for you. If not so much, I suggest not reading because this book is full of twists and turns.

This book has the amount of mysteries like Pretty Little Liars does. The plot of this book has nothing to do with the actual T.V show though, don't worry.

The prologue will explain more than this intro, as I am only explaining how this book is unordinary.

By the end of the book (I have no idea how long it will be) I will tell you each character and what chapter they were featured in, but the book won't be ending anytime soon, obviously.

So anyways I am going to stop blabbering as this is so long, hehe.

ANYways. Hope you enjoy the mysteries;) and yes I like to write author's notes so I might hint you every so often. :) I also like to give cliffhangers, so be prepared.

Thankyou for reading this note! It was kinda important because I know if you some of you didn't read it you guys would've been like.. who's this story about?

Anyways, please continue to the prologue:) You don't have to read it, it's just handy info and where she finds the notes,letters, etc.


Delphic ▲ (mystery a.u-onedirection)Where stories live. Discover now