As days went by, she found out that his name is Thyago and the only son of the good mayor in town. He's smart and he came from a rich clan and that made him popular in school. She heard his Granpa owns the biggest Construction Firm in the country and his family owns a lot of businesses in the Capital. His family came from well-known businessmen and politicians and beyond that fact, he's known to be friendly and humble too. Learning that information made her more interested in him. Until then she secretly admires and adores him from afar.

But wait!!!
What is he doing here anyway?


What the hell in the world does Thyago Williams doing here in her Uncle Ben's house?

"Excuse me?" She heard him repeatedly said while frowning. Maybe he was wondering and at the same time puzzled for she was acting such dumb.

Well, can't blame her? It was Thyago Collins for Pete's sake! Her ultimate crush so can you blame her to get stunned and mesmerized for a moment?

"Uh, yes?" She answered as a sweet smile formed her lips. Oh come on, she just can't help it. It was Thyago Williams for Pete's sake! She has to give her sweetest smile to him.

"I'm Thyago, Elena's friend. I was told by the maid that she was inside. Uh, have you seen her?" She suddenly felt disappointed when she heard Elena's name in his mouth as a frown automatically formed her face.

Of all people, does it have to be Elena? Really??? That evil villain?!! Dammit!

"Umm, I think she's at the garden. There is the last time I saw her this morning." She answered disappointedly.

"Thanks. I didn't know Elena has a pretty sister or any siblings?" He said with a smile while showing his white perfect set of teeth.

Oh my! What a smile... Did I heard it right? He called me pretty? Oh my! But wait... Did he mistook me for being Elena's sister? No way! We don't have any physical similarities. Duh! You're lucky you have that attractive smile, so you're forgiven, baby...

"I'm not her sister. I'm her cousin, Blessie." She introduced herself then smiled back at him.

"Blessie? What a nice name. Nice meeting you Blessie. I'm Thyago, Elena's friend." He uttered then offer his hand that she gladly accepted.

I know right? You were even my ultimate crush dammit. Thyago Collins, your name suits for a prince! How can I even forget!!!

The moment she held his hand, she suddenly felt her downy hair raised as an electric-like feeling crept into her when she just only holds his hand? How can that be possible? She was not sure but she thinks he felt that too because she saw him got stunned and look at her with furrowed brows.

Although it's kinda bit disappointing because he immediately took his hand away from her grip, she somehow smiled out of happiness because it's not every day she could have a chance to hold Thyago Williams hand. But Come on, she still wanna feel the warmth and softness of his hand. This was kinda strange because those electric-like sensations felt so good? It was the first time she felt that and it really felt great! Really strange...

"Pleasure to meet you Thyago." She answered sweetly.

"Great! Umm... I'm gonna go to the garden and look for Elena. Glad to meet you, Blessie." He excused himself and walked out towards the way through the garden.

Minutes later, whatever that spirit that compelled her to follow and stalk Thyago, she actually did it while having this curiosity why he was looking for her cousin Elena. She never have an idea that they were friends? How come? So what she did is she passed through the kitchen door towards the garden just to sneak to Thyago. Not being content with the view, she looked for another place to sneak until she saw a willow tree right behind her. Yeah right, she climbed up a tree just to take a look at the boy who intrigues her feelings. And from afar, she dreamily watched him like a fool while talking to Elena.

She wonders what do they talk about? How did they meet? He said they were friends, are they that close or something more deeper than that? Is he courting Elena? Hope not, because thinking about it suddenly made her jealous. It's not that she was insecure with Elena. Well, she has to admit she really is beautiful and she was not. Probably because Elena was chic, fashionable, and conscious to herself while she was a simple face with a nerdy look of style. She loves wearing comfortable clothes and hates wearing makeup. besides, she can't afford to buy expensive clothes like Elena. Elena's parents provide her a huge amount of allowance and she knew her Mom used to love buying her fine clothes. Aunt Meryl once caught her a pink expensive dress but she did not like it. She wonders do Thyago likes girls wearing make-up and with good and fashionable style?

She saw them both seating in the garden set behind where some ornamental plants are located. They seemed to have a good conversation because they were both laughing and giggling. She wonders what are the things Thyago can make him laugh at? She suddenly wished she could switch places to Elena at that time.

Her brow furrowed in disgust when she saw Thyago suddenly held Elena's hand then gently tucked those strands of hairs that cover her face to her ears. Seeing that gesture, something not so good feeling crept inside her heart. It was like something akin to jealousy and she hates it. Seeing her ultimate crush doing sweet gestures to Elena made her angry and envious.

How could he like an evil witch like her? She was just a pretty face. Do boys are only up to that thing? Wait until you see her true colors!

But to her surprise, he once repeated that sweet gesture to Elena. He smiled so damn cute either and touched her cheeks. That really disappointed and pissed her off. How it's so frustrating that those smiles are only for Elena. She sighed in frustration as she felt her good mood had been ruined so she just decided to get down on that willow tree. She realized she can't stand seeing Thyago being so sweet to Elena. It made her jealous, really jealous...

What am I doing up in a tree anyway? This would be humiliating if someone caught me in this position. It's not even nice for a girl like me to climb up a tree. Oh gosh, this is stupidity!

Having that disappointment and castigating herself on what she did, she finally decided to leave the place and get inside the house before Elena and Thyago will see her peeping on them that will tend to embarrass herself. She doesn't wanna accept the fact that this time, for just once, she envied her cousin Elena. That evil witch! She was lucky to have Thyago's attention.

Hope you guys like this chapter. If you did, please remember to vote and comment.

Helen Maria :)

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