"He started it!" I say like a little girl talking to her bulling older brother. I point at him accusingly.

"That's what they all say." Mr Abanathy seems to have turned into a prison guard.

"Double detention for the both of you!" he declares.

And we both groan, he smiles because now he has to maids to do his work for him.

"No groaning in my class, you two can wear the jester hats the rest of the day."

"Oh god not the jester hats please not the jester hats!" I beg trying to save myself from mortification the rest of the day. The dreaded jester hats, only for the delinquents of school, you have to wear the rainbow colored bell jingling head strap hats the rest of the day while the teachers encourage the students to laugh and point at you. no really they do.

Mr Abanathy walks over to the closet in the corner and pulls them out the bells jingling as he does so, like funeral bells to my ears, their goes my small social life. he walks over and straps one on my head and one on Josh's he clicks in the little locks under the chin strap just incase you want to take it off and save your self of going in the jester book of shame, where each student has their picture taken and put in if you have them on your head.

I walk back to my seat and put my hands on my forehead while I silently scream and my hands have their own little anger seizures under my desk.

Class ends and I walk the halls in shame, I would go home but I have to wait for my picture to be taken. what if I pretend I have constipation and I had to go home to take care of it. no that would just get me in more trouble. I walk the halls to the principles office people laughing and pointing taking pictures on their phone and uploading them to Facebook. I keep walking and make it there Josh waiting and may I say looking ridiculous in his hat! Well I'm one to talk.

The principle opens her door and sits us in front of the wall for pictures,

"Well you know how bad you've been don't you?"

We nod silently,

"You know this means detention and the book of shame."

We nod again.

"Well you can go first miss Kalvac."

She pulls out a camera from a desk draw and stands in front of me,

"Don't bother smiling." she says looking through the camera, I smile just to show her up.


I sneeze and wipe my nose with the back of my hand, stupid hat probably has sneeze bugs or whatever in there. "Your turn mister Pannel."

Josh sits there and stares at the camera not smiling his blue eyes unblinking, and his brown hair falling onto his brow. he's one of the semi popular, the girls love him because of his looks and his brooding features truthfully I do not see what they see in him. I see a boy who wears his pants to low and doesn't look like he's brushed his hair in days.

More like a hobo in my eyes. We're free to go and I head straight for Mr Abanathys class, leaving Josh behind me to eat my dust while he flirts with a bunch of blonde bimbos.

I open the door to Mr Abanathys class and see him at his desk,

"I've had my mug shots taken, can I please get this off of me now?" I say not wanting bugs or nits in my hair, backside we all know delinquents have them.

He pulls his draw open and throws me the key, I unlock it with a jangle and feel like I can breath again, Josh walks in behind me and I "Accidentally" drop the key and kick it under Mr Abanathys desk.

"See you at detention tomorrow Miss Kalvac."

"Yeah, yeah." I mumble as I walk out of the class room.

I jump in my little angel and zoom home. I make it home slip on my lazy pants and collapse onto my bed "this is your fault you know?" I say to my cat and he meows like he doesn't know what I'm talking about oh but he does I know he does.

I sigh and contemplate the meaning of my existents, taking my mind off the events that happened to curse my day. I close my eyes and feel my chest rise. . . And lower. . Rise. . and lower. . Ri-

A rapping on my door pulls me out of my 'almost happy and asleep' moment.

I pull myself up with a heave "I'm coming!" I scream to the door raspiest.

I unlock that little lock thingy they have hanging side ways on a door, it clicks open and Kacy my afom (annoying friend of mine) falls in.

"Hi. . ." I trail off wondering why she's here. she burst out laughing and holds up her phone, her black hair falling over her eyes and her small figure bouncing up and down on the floor from fits of laughter.

I stare down at the screen and see three pictures of me, at first i'm kinda flattered that someone would post pictures of me on Facebook but then I get a better look at them. One is of me whipping my hand up my noses with my mouth hanging open so I look like a freak pig with allergies, the second of me half way through a sneeze my face scrunched up and fugly looking and the third of me smiling at the camera the principle is holding I look down to see who posted these monstrosities on Facebook and am not surprised to see Josh Pannel underneath.

I imagine me choking him with the stupid jester hat and smile creeply as I walk over Kacy's laughing form and out the door. "Lara?" Kacy calls after me. but by now I'm to motivated to hear and see his screaming form as I stuff my fist down his throat.

I walk out the apartment building, and flag a cab, no one seems to realize the urgency of this situation, so I decide to speed walk. as I walk I examen the pictures, the more I look at them the more hopeful I am that their to ugly that no one will realize there me put of course he's tagged me! I see that it has one hundred likes in five minutes I click the little dislike button and a little one appears next to the thumbs down.

I also note that Kacy has also liked the pictures and mentally curse her.


I make contact with a brick wall and come crashing down dropping the phone with me, I mumble some more profanities under my breath. I rub my throbbing nose it's almost like. . I don't know if this sounds right. . like god doesn't want me to kill him.

I get up and brush the gravel off my bum, as I brush little rocks away I feel a gaping hole in my pants, I gasp and try to pull fabric over fabric to hide my cat undies, what can I say their cute! The flaps just fall out my hands and flap in the wind like I'm constantly farting of something. I give up and end up finding an old piece of cardboard and casually holding it up against my bum. I start to reach down for Kacy's phone and hear the cliche ripping sound like in the cartoons, I go beet red and turn around to see the rips traveled higher up my bum so you can see both my bum cheeks if you stand behind me I go beet red again and hug the cardboard even closer if that's possible. I really hope no one saw that. I look around to see I knocked into a fish and chips shop, and I see an old man and his other elderly buddy watching and laughing, I consider flipping them off but I might give them a heart attack or something.

So I smile a smug smile for some reason and try to walk away in a straight line. I realize one important part of my plan is missing. . knowing where Josh lives would be helpful. I sigh and start to walk back to my apartment disappointed at my lack of planning my enemy's death.

Oh well I will find him and when I do. . . I cackle a little creeply and the old men stop laughing and look at me like I'm a pot head or something. "if only you knew!" I say laughing and walking back to my apartment.

Next Josh. . Next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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