Chapter 42-PART TWO: Just You And I, Sort Of.

Start from the beginning

"I take it that Nicholas showed you my confession in Miami?" he asked and I nodded. "Well...where were we?" he asked.

"You were about to say I love you too and then kiss me." I said and he smiled.

"Camilla Rojas, I am in love with you. I want you to be my girlfriend and no... you are not late." he said then he leaned in and kissed me. It was a kiss filled with longing and love.

"I missed you." I said to him once we pulled back.

"Me too." he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him. "You hungry?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I said to him.

"I planned dinner for us under the place we first met." he said and pulled the chair back so I could sit.

"Why thank you sir." I said to him.

"You're very welcome." he said then bowed a bit. I burst out laughing. I watched as he pulled out the food from a basket. "Chicken Parmesan with salad and garlic bread." He explained as he put the food on the plates. He set my plate down in front of me.

"I take it your mum cooked." I said to him jokingly.

"She did not. I find that insulting." He said laughing.

"You cooked for me?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, only for you." he said with a crooked smile.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"Anytime." he came over and kissed me on the lips. When we pulled back, he grabbed a bottle of pink champagne and popped the cork. "You want?" he asked and I nodded. After he filled my glass he filled his own and sat down in front of me so we could eat. "To us!" he toasted and we clinked our glasses.

"To us!" I said. I took a bite out of the food. "This is good!!" I exclaimed to Liam since he was watching me to see my expression.

"You think so?" he asked and I could sense his insecurity.

"Perfect!" I said to him then leaned in and kissed him. When we separated I said, "Absolutely perfect." Liam smiled at me, his confidence coming back. He took a bite of the chicken. He nodded.

"It is good." We munched on our food for a few seconds and then he said, "Speaking of good, your column's have been really great."

"You read them?" I asked him, almost choking on a piece of bread.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" he asked me.

"Well... because we were broken up." I said to him.

"Yeah, but you were always on my mind." He responded.

"Stop, you're going to make me cry." I said to him. My throat was closing with his kind words and his kind actions. This man truly loved me.

"That would be okay." he said to me. Could he be anymore perfect?

"And if I wanted to... let's say kiss you again." I said moving my head to the side.

"That would be fine." he said and we started laughing. After we stopped, he took my hand and his face looked serious, "Cam, I want to let you know that I will never leave you. I will fight for your love everyday and I will prove to you that I am in live with you and will always will. I promise to never give up on our love, on you and I will try not to be scared of something new." He looked straight into my eyes while saying all that. My eyes were tearing up because right at this moment, we were making up and it was just right.

"And I promise that I will not be so stubborn. I promise I will not let you be scared. And even if you were, that's okay. Just talk to me first. We can make it through." I said to him. He nodded. "Okay then. What did you make for desert?" I asked him. His reaction made me laugh out loud.

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