I couldn't do that could I? My stomach twisted in disgust at the thought. Id have a better chance of poisoning him then running away.

I noticed that he would be getting home anytime now. I quickly ran into the kitchen and make chicken soup. I walk to the the thermostat and pull it of the wall with all my effort. I rip it apart and put all the bad stuff in the food. I grab a bagel and chew on that. Because I am definitely not eating that.

I laugh a little. In all the kidnapping books the characters always say they don't know where to find poison to put in the kidnappers food. Almost everything is harmful, cleaning material, bug spray and a bunch of other stuff. And even if you can't find poison just put dish soap in all their food or don't rinse it of their plates and silverware. No it wouldn't kill them put if they get enough it definitely will give them the shits.

I laugh at the thought trying to think about anything other than what I just did. I hear the door open and I quickly hide the thermostat remains inside the bread box and quickly close it. I pour soup into each of our bowls and put them on the table. I sat the bowls on different ends of the table so I don't have to sit near him. I watch him walk in and look around.

"You cleaned very well, did you do our bedroom?" He asks happily.

"And your bathroom." I stated sitting down. I look nervously at the bowl of soup in front of me. I've never even tripped anyone, killing someone? God my nerves are on their highest.

I think Grey noticed this because his gaze slowly trails from my eyes to the bowl in front of me.

He slowly takes his seat at the table and pulls the bowl towards him staring down at it. I feel myself begun panicking and feel a bead of sweat on my forehead. Just the idea of me giving someone is making me feel guilty. His gaze comes back towards mine and he lifts his eyebrow at me.

"I-its ch-chicken soup." I try to make my voice normal but it cracks terribly.
"What did you do?" He looks at me a little angry. I feel like crying just at my thoughts. Help, what's wrong with me? He deserves this doesn't he? He killed people he stalked me and he kidnapped me. But yet I feel nauseous.

I swallow a lump in my throat and look him in the eyes.

"I didn't do anything," I state. Surprising myself at how clear my voice was this time.

"Then what's the problem?"

"Nothing, just nervous." I said looking down. I couldn't stare at his eyes anymore I felt so bad. My leg twitched at the idea of how despicable I feel.

No one deserves to die, do they? I don't know. Plus I'd rather do something more painful if I was gonna do something this bad. Like I'd strip him down and cut him all over and then soak him in hand sanitizer or something.

"About what?" He asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

Its to late now though, the poisons in front of him. What am I suppose to say, oh, I am just nervous about the poison in your food. Yeah he will surely trust me then. Fucking hell, I messed everything up. My plan to get his trust is now out the window. And I highly doubt he still believes the food is still safe to eat.

I feel my eyes flood with tears. I feel guilty about doing something like this and he knows it. He watched me his eyes held anger, disappointment and sadness. He stands up and grabs his bowl and quickly empties the contents into the sink. He looks at me.

"Where is it?" His voice was hard. I knew he meant what I tried to poison him with. My arm slowly rises and I point towards the bread box. He shakes his head in disappointment and walks over to it. He opens the bread box and grabs the thermostat. He looks a little amazed and shocked to see it. He throws it into the trash.

I watch as his anger returns. I stay seated with my head down. I hear his footsteps stop and look up. He's looking off in the distance and is pointing up the stairs. He's faced towards me so I knew he wanted me to go to the bedroom. I stand up and slowly walk to the stairs and begin climbing them. My head was hung low. I open the bedroom door and walk in. I drag my feet to the bed and plop on it pushing my face into the pillow.

I hear crashing and yelling from downstairs. Welp, hes really pissed. Obviously i told him i loved him back and then tried to poison him. I am fucking with his emotions.

I groan out i was disappointed in myself for not being able to just kill him but i also felt bad that i tried to kill him.

I heard his foot steps come up the stairs and I quickly crawl to the back edge of the bed and put a pillow over me for protection. He opens the door and I notice his knuckles are bloody. He still looks mad but nothing compared to earlier.

"This is not going unpunished," he breathes out as he walks in the bathroom. After about five minutes he comes back out with his knuckles wrapped in bandages.

"This is your first time so I will go easy on you," he rubs his knuckles, and sits on the edge of the bed. "Come here."

I crawl over to him slowly not wanting to get him more mad. All of a sudden I am pulled over his lap. I feel fear bubble up in my stomach.







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