- The 503 must AlWAYS wear his straight jacket. Except when bathing or secure in his room.

- If you see 503 acting suspiciously report immediately.

- he must be strip searched twice a day.

- security staff will shadow the 503 at all times.

- 503 must remain in maximum security room unless bathing, eating or in session with his doctor.

- When in the Yard, 503 is not to interact with other residents.

- Any Staff member found accepting bribes from 503  will have their position terminated immediately.

- When analysing 503 during a session, DO NOT bring anything sharp or dangerous that could be considered a weapon.
This includes
* pens or pencils (if you have to please keep them close. But we would prefer the use of a tape recorder instead.)
*inappropriate foot wear i.e.. stiletto's
*hair clips
*ties or Scarfs.

- keep the panic button on you at all times while in session with patient.

-if you feel unsafe do not panic, use the button provided and wait for back up to arrive. 

It continues on multiple pages hence the staple. Obviously Patient 503 is very volatile by the sounds of it.
You realise that it's not technically a bad thing as the particularly violent individuals usually make for most interesting case studies.

The fear you felt earlier fades away and thirst for answers takes its place. You're now so desperate to know the identity  of this mystery patient that it actually hurts to breath.
Before you can ask one of your new coworkers, Dr. Arkham clears his throat with an impatient cough and your attention darts back to the front of  the room to listen to what the admin director has to say next.
"I've just been informed by the GCPD that 503 is here." For a director of a mental institute he isn't very thrilled by the news. In fact the way his tight lipped mouth barely moves when he speaks makes you think that he's down right miserable about the idea.
This guy must be a handful.
"Remember to stay alert!" He orders over the chatter as everyone begins to pick up their things and leave the room. You move to follow the rest of your colleagues out into the hall until Jeremiah Arkham places a gentle hand of authority upon your shoulder.
"Dr. ____ , if I could have a moment of your time?" He asks.

You begin to sweat under the collar picking up the gravity in his tone.
If Dr. Arkham wants to speak with you alone on the first week it is not a good sign.
"Of course Dr. Arkham." You squeak letting your nervous habit take over as you adjust your glasses, ready for the bad news that is about to squash you like an ant.
But Jeremiah smiles kindly and the tension in your stomach seems to relax a little.
"I would like to change your roster for the week so that you can assist on Dr. Leland's rotation."
The relief is clearly audible when it escapes your lungs.
"Dr Leland will be working with our new patient today down in the maximum security ward and I think this will be a great opportunity for you."

The request is unexpected to say the least. A highly esteemed administrative Director is willing enough to give you the opportunity to sit on a session with his special patient. It sounds like some cruel joke and you half a mind to to check for cameras even though you know deep down there isn't a television crew hiding in the pantry.
Jeremiah is a very serious man and if he believes you can handle it then who are you to argue.

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