Chapter 4 - The Date

Start from the beginning

Soon it's just me and Tate sitting at the table, with dex standing - uncomfortably as ever.

"I'll have a-" Tate begins, and I stand.

Her dads dead?

How was I suppose to know.

No one ever told me.

I rush out side the girl, "drew," I call out. He's still following behind Ali, saying things like, "calm down. She didn't mean it that way. She'll warm up to you."

I wanted to slap him for thinking any of that.

"Drew." I call out yet again.

He turns, "jos. Give us a minute." He says, and .. It's not sweetly, or softly, it's an annoyed, angry sounding drew.

So I stop in my tracks.. And I watch my boyfriend follow behind his on and off again ex girlfriend, trying to comfort her.

And it made me sick. So I was happy to give them a minute.

But a minutes turned into 5 and 5 turned into 10 -

I had been sitting at this table, Tate was shoving food down his mouth and I made small talk.

But I couldn't do t anymore. I kept texting drew but he's text back the same thing every time, "be in there in a sec. Or , she's crying- she's not ready to come back in, or hold on, be in in a few, or she's crying again, she'll be fine a sec."

I excused myself to the bathroom, and asI walked, I locked eyes with dex.

"Hey- Hey jos.. Wait." Dex calls from behind me.

I was basically stomping towards the ladies bathroom like a 5 year old.

No one looked around at the scene that had just gone down and it kind of surprised me ...

The grill was just that interesting ... That even the life of Jocelyn didn't take it's spotlight.

"Jocelyn wait-" dex calls.

My hand is on my forehead as I walk swiftly for be bathroom, the other hand was swinging and he took the initiative on stopping by grabbing into it.

He spun me to him.

"Jocelyn." Dex says evenly.

"Look. Dex. Nows really not a good time." I say through a huff, pulling my hand from his.

"I just-" he begins.

I only shake my head, turning away from him. "Not now, dex." I hum, rushing into the girls bathroom.

There- I'm alone, with the exception of a pair of feet that I can see in one of the stalls.

All I can do is stare in the mirror.

I want to then the water on and refresh myself by splashing it in my face- but we all know that only works in the movies.

This isn't a move.

This is my fucked up life.

I'm pacing back in forth, on a double date that I just ruined - and even though I had a totally legitimacy reason for it, I'll still probably come out looking like the bad guy.

I mean honestly, Ali is Evil. Evil I tell you.

When the toilet from the stall flushes and the door swings open- I push my thoughts aside and don't even hesitate to start for the door.

"Oh hey." Skyler smiles.

I gulp. Shifting my weight before starting for the door. "Hi." I presume, without looking at her.

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